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Deep freeze


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Parts of the U.S., Europe, and northern Asia are in deep freeze. I'm sorry about the inconveniences/dangers in transportation and possible crop damage, but I hope that everyone in the affected areas is enjoying their wonderful furs. Right now I'd love to be walking on 5th Avenue, eating at 21 Club, or sitting at the N.Y. Met or Phil while counting all the beautiful fur garments worn by both men and women.

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Blame Canada! (JK)


Seriously, there has been an anomaly in the Jet Stream across the U.S. Whereas it normally runs in a "Lazy 'S'" shaped curve across the continent, from west to east, it now has a southward "kink" that makes it run up into Canada then down through Montana, Wyoming and Minnesota, straight down toward Texas.




This southward flow is pumping cold air from Canada down to the continental U.S. Then the general eastward trend is carrying that cold toward the eastern half of the country.


Scientists say this is because of a negative trend in the North Atlantic Oscillation phenomenon which controls winter weather in the North Atlantic region.


So, I guess the real answer is BLAME GREENLAND!

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I'm just about as far south as one can go in the continental US of A and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to breaking out all my furs over the next couple of days!



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I love you soooooooooooooooo much!




...I'm almost waiting for White Fox to quote Judge Schmales from Caddyshack.... 'are you trying to make time with my best girl????'

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The forecast is for a low of 26 degrees tonight!! With a strong wind it is incredibly cold here.


My dog refused to go for a walk tonight!!


On a sad note not only the fruit/ vegetable farms suffering, the fish are starting to die from the extended cold.

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I always remember though when that extremely vicious Hurricane hit Highland Beach down in the Everglades area right dead on. Before it hit there were some absolutely huge Mangrove trees there. After it hit there was nothing over about 6 feet high. It was beyond belief how a wind could compact things down like that.


Anyhow, the next year there were more birds in the park than had been there for years. And the mosquitoes were so bad even in the "Good" season, that you could barely stand to walk around anywhere even remotely close to woods or water.


It was so surprising that there would be any birds at all after such a storm. Yet they were there in larger numbers than before! Nature can be a strange and brutal beast indeed. Yet Nature can survive as well. There are powers there that we can barely begin to comprehend!


But it is strange that we have global warming yet have such a winter as we are having. Here it is about normal except for very little snow. Probably slightly warmer than normal in fact, but not that much. Yet many other areas including Europe are say out of wack.



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Climate change does not refer to temps alone, but also other things such as storms, be it rain or snow and the activity relating to those.


So if in winter you normally get copious amounts of snow, but now are not, then that is a change in climate. The same applies if you are now suffering from huge deluges of the white stuff, not to furget the winds what accompany them.


Downunder, we've had a cyclone from the west coast travel right across the country doing its job. This is a rarity. Now we are in the midst of a heatwave... normal for this time of year.Bush fire warnings can not be too far away.


Oh fur a day when I could wrap a fur coat about me in January, rather than be as naked as allowable in public.

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Oh fur a day when I could wrap a fur coat about me in January, rather than be as naked as allowable in public.



I took my dog for a walk this morning. Atleast the sun is shining brightly today. The windchill had to be 15 degrees!! I almost fell on ice!!! Can you belive it??? The dummies keep watering in this and it creates icy everywhere.


I think it is suppose to slowly start to warm here. Low tonight forcasted at 28 degrees.


Long johns, cashmere sweaters and furs are out!! Gotta admit I love it!!



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Not so cold here. In fact it's in the 50's (F) during the day now. More like fall or spring.


Lots of rain as well. Lots of snow in the mountains.



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I often see those ebay postings saying they moved to Florida, don't need fur anymore.


When I moved here I could not imagine wearing sweaters, must less my furs!

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It's 10PM and 53 F. Wind chill is listed as 57 F!!!!


What's happening???


This is the Pacific NW, where it's cold and damp. They gpt the damp part ... real damp!!


There's ample snow in the mountains fortunately, though it's near freezing or above in places.



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We have had 7 feet of snow in 7 days. Avalanches have killed at least one person this week.


My wife and I are wearing our furs regularly to work and around town....including the new one that I bought in December.



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I've worn furs almost daily since Christmas. It's been very cold here. Only a few days when the temperature was above 32 F. Last night I strolled along the water warmly ensconced in my colossal crystal fox coat.

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It's spring already. 56 F outside today. Shirt sleeve weather.


What happened to winter?


The sno pack is very thin this year and the winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC is with snow makers.



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Expecting a rainstorm tonight in San Diego.


I plan on going to San Diego Opera this Sunday afternoon. I haven't bought a ticket, but am hoping to snag a rush ticket when I get to the theater. It's La Bohème with Piotr Beczala (pronounced Bech Wa La) and Ellie Dehn (she's replacing Anja Harteros, who cancelled all four Bohème performances with SD Opera this year due to medical reasons). If I do manage to get a ticket, I'll probably see some furs, even though it's an afternoon matinee. I've been to other afternoon matinee opera performances and have seen furs at those performances.



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