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Furs and Leather Gloves


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Hi Fur lovers..


I posted a set of photos with myself wearing Leather Gloves with my Fur jacket...


I have had such a strong reaction to 'gloves''' all in a good way...


So I just wondered what the Denizens felt about Leather Gloves...


Is it more alluring to see a lady in furs and gloves? or are the gloves irrelevant..?





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Gloves don't do anything for me - unless, of course, they aren't gloves, but mittens - made entirely of fox or lynx and lined with something like sheared beaver . . . Then - they could do a lot for me - !


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ha ha ha.. FrBrGr..


I can always rely on you to be 'furry ' at all times...


he he





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Being in charge of our website's statistics, I am privy to some information about who accesses our forum. I don't want to get into a lot of detail because that would reveal too much information about some individuals without their permission. However, if I don't reveal specific numbers or single out individual people, I think I can safely talk about our website's traffic statistics.


Statistically speaking, we have a sizable number of visitors to our website who also enjoy women wearing leather clothing and leather gloves.


We also have a small but statistically significant percentage of visitors who are interested in bondage with or without fur.


After that, there are a number of visitors who like tickling and forced orgasms.

The visitor statistics appear to be split between fur and non-fur tickling/orgasms. I suspect the fur loving ticklers and bondage fans stick around while the non-fur ticklers and bondage fans move on to other sites in a short period of time.

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Being in charge of our website's statistics, I am privy to some information about who accesses our forum. I don't want to get into a lot of detail because that would reveal too much information about some individuals without their permission. However, if I don't reveal specific numbers or single out individual people, I think I can safely talk about our website's traffic statistics.


Statistically speaking, we have a sizable number of visitors to our website who also enjoy women wearing leather clothing and leather gloves.


We also have a small but statistically significant percentage of visitors who are interested in bondage with or without fur.


After that, there are a number of visitors who like tickling and forced orgasms.

The visitor statistics appear to be split between fur and non-fur tickling/orgasms. I suspect the fur loving ticklers and bondage fans stick around while the non-fur ticklers and bondage fans move on to other sites in a short period of time.


"Whatchu talking about Willis?!"

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"Whatchu talking about Willis?!"


Q: How do search engines like Google and Yahoo know how to find a specific page or website when you type in a search word?


A: They use automated computer programs ("bots") to scan the web for information then record it in an electronic database.


Then when people search for a website, statistics are kept on how frequently a certain word is used to search for web pages. If a bunch of people search for a certain word such as "fur" then Google knows that it is a popular word and it ranks web pages that contain the word "fur" accordingly. The next time somebody searches for the word "fur" pages that rank higher will appear at the top of the results list.


Webmasters can log in to Google and read the information that their databases have on your website. Then they will know how popular their website is and what words people search for when they hit a particular site.


Yes, I often log in to Google to see what people search for when they come to the Fur Den.


It goes without saying that a huge majority of the people who come to the Fur Den get here by googling for the word "fur" but a small, yet statistically significant, percentage of the people got here because they searched for words like "gloves", "leather", "tickle" and "bondage" as well.


So that's how I know that there are some glove lovers who visit the Den.

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Worker 11811..


you are the cleverest man I know....and you seem to have all the answers....






Tell me more.. how do you have a pair of fur trimmed gloves that are not yours?? Is there an interesting story??

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I used to search "fur sex" all the time. Now that I have "The Duchess" and The Fur Den, I don't need to search anymore. The Den is the portal for all things furry and sexy all over the world, and "The Duchess" . . . well, when you have a lover and friend who looks like this . . .




Who needs more . . . ?


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Which do you mean? For our website? Or the internet in general?


For the Fur Den, specifically, the most popular search combinations are:


Fur + den

Fur + fashion

Fur + fetish

Fur + picture/pictures/pix


We also get a large number of people who search for sweater related words.

(The wool forums people. )


I don't have any access to words for the internet in general but, from experience, I know that "fur" is a difficult word to search for by itself.


"Fur" can relate to "furries" or people who like to dress up in animal costumes. You'll also see a lot of "furry fiction" where people write stories and make pictures of anthropomorphized animals.


You will see a lot of men who use the word "fur" to refer to themselves and to others who like to see pictures of hairy chests. (A high proportion of gay men use the word "fur" as a codeword.)


And, last, but not least, there are the P∂TA types who try to poison the well for people who search for anything related to fur or fur coats. Every time you search for fur, you're bound to find a few sympathizers... Pisses me off...

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I have noticed the streams of abuse posted on u-tube videos connected with fur...


it seems strange that violent threats seem to go on without any moderators to clean up the messages..





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I have my own fair share of issues when searching, in the past and now. From what I can gather, it's just not very well known about 'our common interest'. Which can be a plus and a minus..

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You're right. Being ranked can be a blessing and a curse, no matter what the topic of your website is.


The higher you are ranked, the more potential "customers" you get but you also get more "kooks".


I don't mind being fairly anonymous. It'd be nice if we could get ranked without attracting too many idiots.


The way I do it is by word of mouth. (Or word of e-mail. )

I tell people that I think might have interest in our webiste to come and check it out.

Several those people actually visit us. A couple-few of them actually stay around.


Basically you just talk to people and, if you think they are "hip" to fur, just mention, "I know this website... You ought to check it out!"


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You're right. Being ranked can be a blessing and a curse, no matter what the topic of your website is.


The higher you are ranked, the more potential "customers" you get but you also get more "kooks".


I don't mind being fairly anonymous. It'd be nice if we could get ranked without attracting too many idiots.


The way I do it is by word of mouth. (Or word of e-mail. )

I tell people that I think might have interest in our webiste to come and check it out.

Several those people actually visit us. A couple-few of them actually stay around.


Basically you just talk to people and, if you think they are "hip" to fur, just mention, "I know this website... You ought to check it out!"



That sounds good.. but in my case, I found out about this site from Sableman. I really don't talk with many people offline (work and lack of a social life) so I don't have many I could refer here.

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I find that people have more of a social life than they think they do.


They may not have close relationships with a lot of people but they do talk to others. They just don't realize it.


For instance, you might talk to a clerk at a convenience store every morning on your way to work when you buy your first cuppa' coffee and Moon Pie. You may not know the effect you have on others because, to you, it's just "normal".


You might not want to strike up a close relationship with the clerk in your convenience store. Most of them are people I probably don't want to have any more than a casual relationship with.

But, what I am saying is that there are probably people in your life that you don't realize the relationship you have or could have with them.


What about your neighbor? The waitress at your favorite restaurant?

We all overlook people like these all the time.


Second, the best advertisement for ANYTHING is by word of mouth.


Look at the movie business. You might see ads for movies on TV and in the newspaper but 90% of the advertising is done by word of mouth. People who have seen a particular movie will tell friends and acquaintances about it.


The way I see it, the best advertising for fur is done by word of mouth too. People who like fur and who wear fur tell others about it and, if they are of like mind, will hopefully spread the word too.


What you said about Sableman telling you of the Fur Den is a perfect example!


Let's bring this back to the topic sentence...


How do I know that there are people who like gloves and leather?

Partly by statistics, as I said, but I also know because I have spoken with people who like gloves. Word of mouth advertising can tell you a lot if you just listen!

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I find that people have more of a social life than they think they do.


They may not have close relationships with a lot of people but they do talk to others. They just don't realize it.


For instance, you might talk to a clerk at a convenience store every morning on your way to work when you buy your first cuppa' coffee and Moon Pie. You may not know the effect you have on others because, to you, it's just "normal".



Are you trying to share your 'skillz' with us?


Yes.. back on topic..

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I met my wife when I worked in a department store. I worked in the TV department and she worked in the china department. We probably walked right by each other dozens of times at the time clock or the employee break room before we officially met at the company Christmas party.


Skillz? Probably not. Just being realistic. There are things in life we might not realize unless we take a closer look at them.

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Skillz? Probably not. Just being realistic. There are things in life we might not realize unless we take a closer look at them.


"The Great Oz has spoken!"

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Personally, I love the fur coat, leather gloves, and beautiful scarf look -- On others as well as myself. I used to buy a new scarf and new set of gloves every time I bought a new fur ... Until I got to seven sets of gloves and scarves (black and various shades of brown) and decided enuf was enuf. I always wear leather gloves and a scarf when I wear fur -- The gloves for warmth n style and the scarf for warmth and to protect the fur from my somewhat oily skin.

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I think well fitting shiny leather gloves with long hair fur coats make an incredible combination. Think of a flowing silver fox full length coat with a generous sleeve cut, all the color changes from jet black to silvery white and then, a delicate hand in a shiny black leather glove emerges out of the sleeve. The leather glove fits the lady's hand like a second skin, and makes a great contrast with the fur: The fur is full, voluminous, flowing and soft, and the leather gloves just enhance these points. Satin gloves also achieve a similar effect, but leather has its natural texture. If the gloves are long and go well past the wrists, when the lady reaches out and her hand rises out of the fur coat's sleeves, you can't see where the gloves end, as if her hand extends to infinity. Such a mystery, such such a sight! With sable, I tend to associate suede gloves.


I have tried it on myself, but my hands are quite big and bony, and I could not find well fitting gloves. Many ready-made gloves have clumsily tailored linings, and they add to the gloves' bulk. Maybe this requires delicate hands of women.


I also find the idea of a close fitting leather catsuit under a full length fur coat extremely sexy.


Regarding the scarves, I couldn't figure out what type would go well with a fur coat. A woven (cloth-like) lambswool or cashmere scarf looks too "thin" and "cheap" to me when worn with a fur coat. Mohair scarves distract from the fur, and handknit scarves are not simply "classy". And frankly, I have not seen many fur photos with scarves, so I am thinking maybe there is a reason for that...

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