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Midnight tonight Wales ceases to be a free country

Guest touchofsable

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And that is waht they said about hunting regulations too and what they will say about fur. They do not heed the defense of fur bcause they say the trade has not stamped out poor husbandry.

And once again its what the Nazis said about hunting and smoking. Allow it and you allow them access all areas.


No I wouldn't . It should be up to the business owner though he should b encouraged to provide non smoking areas,, extractor fans etc. Hell even smokers would approve of the latter!


What gets me is I have no choice in it and can't even smoke in my own vehicle even though I have no staff; and will get fined

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And still no evidence from Lord that the claim that the ban on smoking by the Nazis is is a lie either I notice.


Alos Ivan the terrible also banned smoking punishable by death. Didn't last did it and neither will this.



Cardiff police are very very cross at even the suggestion of being told to enforce this....or a Hunting ban


"The final nails have now been hammered into the coffin of the freedom to smoke in enclosed public places. This piece of legislation must be one of the most restrictive, spiteful and socially divisive imposed by any British Government."


Lord Stoddart


remebr "is she really going out with him" by Joe Jackson? Well here is what he has to say:




The Brownshirts:



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"The smoking ban has been a resounding success in ireland" anon Uk Govt. spokesman.


The truth:





And the response;





What you can do. Download these and stick them up WITH the posters the governemnt will force you to display. Subsitute in photoshop with the face of your local Labour MP (who is likely to vote for the ban on fur too):




Ivan the Terrible couldnt stop it in Russia with the death penalty. The smoking ban will go ...lets do it while we can get the support of smokers to rally behind ALL civil liberties including the freedom to Hunt and wear fur.

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At the very least, posting more than twice in a row is considered bad "netequite". It's not a rule, unless you think courtesy and politeness are fascist restrictions.


But you'll probably post another five paragraphs, only two, at most, will deal directly with what I'm posting. It's boring, actually.

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Look Lord I started this thread. The etiquette is actually that the thread poster directs the conversation. The thread is about the smoking ban affecting civil liberties; other civil liberties like a hunting ban and a future fur ban, eugenics and stuff in WALES.


There is considerbale resistance on the first two and I am merely posting on similar smokers rights movments in Ireland too.


It is up to you whether you look at them or keep your opinion ill informed. You may not agree with what I post BUT if you cannot counter for example Mark Almond or Joe jacksons arguments, or find them boring.....don't get involved. Start your OWN thread saying why you think smoking bans are good and then you get to direct the conversation; and thn if you so choose you can say nobody is allowed to post twice in succession. Oherwise, this remains a thread for "what it says on the lid".


As for etiquette...... it is part of a code of conduct in the UK born out of the Hunting field .


So I will POSTall news relating to it as I find it. You are welcome to do the same BUT so far there is clearly no evidence whatsoever that The Nazis smoking ban is a lie. In the UK calling something someone says a lie is the absolute lowest form of etiquette and is actually ILLEGAL in the UK Parliament. You have to say "untruth". And then you HAVE to withdraw and apologise if you fail to substntiate a claim against someone you hav acused of stating such an untruth. I have posted evidence in this thread that the Nazis did in fact ban smoking, did use the statistical junk science that seems so polua these days, and the measure DID allow the Nazis to creep further into State control over all individal rights.


You have posted no evidence for you clam that this did not happen.


So in the good traditions of debate established through etiquette on the battelefield and via learning that in the hunting field I suggest you either withdraw your statement or provide evidence that there is a lie involved.

You would not even be allowed to duel without this....you would have to withdraw and apologise.


I will remind you:


"And are you still sticking with that lie that Nazis banned smoking?"


And that , sir, cannot go unchallenged nor any other revisionist history claims about the nazis. Now please put up violence for this absurd claim OR withdraw the remark and decline with honour in the etiquette of Gentlemanly conduct. Only a cad or a boundah sah would allow that to stand.

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What crap is this about netiquette, courtesy and politeness. It's not as though we have to queue up and wait our turn to post. By posting twice you're not exactly depriving someone else of posting.


If you forget to say something, or have an afterthought, what are you supposed to do? wait until someone else has posted before you write your afterthought. Where's the practical logic in that?, And what the hell purpose does that serve?


If I did that I would have forgotten what I was going to say.


(and Tos would have been deprived of a moment of mirth with the cat and dog diaries)


(Dont reply to this, I'm not interested I'm just enjoying my beligerance resulting from a sugar high from too much Easter chocolate And who the hell is this guy Naka anyway. and how did he invade my mind? )

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Maybe posting twice in succession in forums should be BANNED by the state Ravens if you continue to be so insensitive!!!

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Wallee I will tell them the truth not the propaganda:

the truth is:

1. There is a very slight statistical corrlation bewteen smoking and certain diseases and multiplied that may be significant. It is unwise to start smoking and is highly addictive and a drain on your money.

2. There is no such evidence re passive smoking and therefore anyone who says otherwise at the moment is lying. NEW EVIDENCE:



3. If you go around spitting at smokers (as some kids have reportedly been doing encouraged by their parents prejudice) or victimising or criticising smokers who are not interfering with you then you are nothing more than a fascist thug.


I would rather my kids smoke than be brownshirts!


Simply tell your kids the truth not propaganda in anything.


Or they will end up like this:



The same apllies to PETAphile kids.


Here is one thing that my research has now established btw:



So because of my insistence to government medical bodies etc that helicobator was going untreated because quacks were blaming smoking for something it din't cause, something is changing. 99% of the pubic haven't heard of it but they will soon.


Likewise there are an awful lot of other diseases that are being blamed on smoking when there are other factors emerging; but too slowly for some. While milions is spent by health services on propaganda even non smokers are getting sick and dying when they needn't:


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