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  • Fluffy272's Post


    For me it started when I was quite young. I remember we had an art class where we had to make a mask. This was in maybe 2nd grade. I can rember the teacher had a bunch of bins with different material we could use for our mask. There was a bin labeled "fur". I went to that and from what I can remember there was maybe 2 coats cut up into fairly large pieces. I took a big part of a seal coat. I can remember getting that home (on my mask) and expierementing with it. Another one I can remember was my cousins mom had a fox fur coat in a closet in their house. I used to go there when during the day when the folks were working. We used to play hide and seek and I would always find myself in that closet up against that fox fur coat (pants down).

    I can also remember going to church as a kid and seeing all the fur coats hung up in the breezeway. I still today, scan the line of coats hung up in church looking for fur.


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