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What does wearing fur mean to you?

Guest Paw

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To me, it means being beautiful, classy, a tad bit snobbish, powerful, and brave enough to wear dead animals all over you without worrying a damn thing about what others think. What does fur mean to y'all? A status symbol? Warmth? A political statement? Luxury? A Natural tribute to the hunt? A fetish???


I'd love to hear responses

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For me its about wearing something comfortable during the winter months while simultaneously not having to trust my life to a stupid little nylon or down coat that may or may not work.

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Post edited by AKcoyote as inappropriate (too sexually explicit) for this forum in response to a member's report.

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I'm going to narrow my answer specifically to overdramatic furs like the kind that Daria / Elsafur used to do very regularly. To me, those go just beyond the idea of gratifying a niche fetish; the confidence to smile so fetchingly in a bulky, fluffy fur is a confident assertion that what's hidden beneath the furs is very attractive.

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  • 4 months later...

As for me, I love the comfort it gives me. The warmth, they weight of the fur, it's just so relaxing and cozy.


I'm digging this thread up for a specific reason though.


Today I had a talk with my gf (which I'm in the process of breaking up sadly) about wearing fur in public. We wanted to go to Prague in Winter and I told her I'd want to wear one of my stoles over a wool coat or smthing. She didn't seem to be very fond of that. After asking what the problem was, she said that for her, furs are something very luxurious (as they are for me too), and it'd have to be a special occasion. Also that, keeping in mind we're not particularly wealthy, it would emit a symbol of social status we don't have. As I said at the beginning though, for me it's simply something for giving me warmth and comfort. Heck I'd even wear it to the supermarket for getting yogurt or whatever. That is if I had the balls to wear it in my home town.


What's your opinion in regards to the status symbol?

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Off the top of my head, two words some to mind: softness and sensuality with a lot of sexuality wound up in the latter.


I wear furs as often as I can even in summer, for I live someplace where the mornings and evenings are cool. In winter I'm very public about wearing furs out. I get recognized and remembered; at the local coffee place, the barista takes one look at me and says "One venti black iced sweet tea and one grande dark roast, right?" I certainly stand out, and I've never been criticized for wearing fur.

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For me it is about being safe, warm and protected whilst wrapped up against the cold. I also feel very feminine in a fur coat, and thus more attractive.

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After asking what the problem was, she said that for her, furs are something very luxurious (as they are for me too), and it'd have to be a special occasion. Also that, keeping in mind we're not particularly wealthy, it would emit a symbol of social status we don't have.


The more we wear fur out in the streets, the more this stigma of fur as a luxury or status symbol can be eroded, and the more it can be seen as an "everyday" item. Remember, fur was a common item for our oldest ancestors.


For me, fur is sensual and sexual, generally feminine but it can be masculine depending on the design of the garment, exudes confidence, and is a fantastic and natural means of keeping warm during cold weather.

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I love fur because it means wamrth and comfort to me. My fur jacket makes me feel good knowing I am protected against the cold weather.

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I have taken the decision that all of my outer garments, and most of my inner ones are fur. So I have to wear one of my MINK coats whenever I go out. When I am driviing I ususally wear one of my fur jackets (MINK or FOX), with suitable fur scarf and gloves and hat, and change into a coat when we stop, again with suitable fur scarf and gloves and hat.


It might be to the local supermarket, or cinema etc., and of necessity, together with the fur coat, I also wear a fur scarf (MINK, SABLE, or FOX),

fur gloves (MINK, SABLE, or CHINCHILLA), fur hat (MINK, FOX, or SABLE). A total of 4 pieces.

I will always try to increase the number of furs I wear, so I compliment them with possibly my MINK F/L gilet, an over scarf (either my 3m knitted SABLE, or my 2.75m FOX boa), and maybe a MINK or SABLE tie.

In summer it's tricky, but all my summer jackets (cashmere, suede, and leather) have MINK collars. I try to wear them with a short knitted MINK scarf, and with a knitted MINK bobble had and MINK line gloves.

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It's my number 1 thrill. Nothing feels as good as wearing a fur outside on a winters day. I love the attention and just getting comfortable in my big fox collared mink takes me to the happiest place I know. Just thinking about it now is raising my heart rate.

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