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Help: a black & white film with furs


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Hi, hope someone can help… Many years ago, I caught the last 15 minutes of a black & white film on tv. I think it was set in northern america. The final scenes involve a sleigh ride and a shooting, in deep, cold snow, I think. The sequence that sticks in my mind is in the country house before the sleigh ride; the two men were already wearing winter coats etc and the two women were already wearing fur coats: the host brings down extra, large fur coats for all of them to wear on top, I'm sure that I remember the scene of the women pulling on enormous fur coats over the fur coats they were already wearing - sent tingles down my spine! I'm sorry that the description is so vague and that I cannot recall any other details about the film (well, I only caught the last 15 mins) or its title. Does this ring a bell with anyone at all, please? I would dearly love to track it down!


Many thanks to all, Fur Bull


I'll make an effort to complete my long-unfinished story "the fur hospital" from the old Sableman site...

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