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I've noticed, and have been told that some folks are leaving for FFG, and likely won't be back. Just thought I'd comment on my opinion on the matter if anyone cares.


I. Don't. Care. About. FFG.


Not trying to sound rude, or anything - but I really don't give a damn if they are back, or what they're doing, or who's headed 'home'. I took this over for White Fox(John) to keep the community alive. I'd like to think I've done pretty well with the place even though I've had only a few people give ideas on how to change the site for the better.


I don't know what else to give you guys. No one will suggest anything, and I am the least creative person on the planet.


If people want to bad mouth me, or the site - feel free, but know the den will never die.

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Some people are more affected by nostalgia than others. Dunno if they are acting ungratefully or what, I'll stay here anyway.

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I get that - but to badmouth me, and the site? What the hell did I do other than try to keep this place together??

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You've done a great job! It's one of those jobs that no one really has time to do but your doing it for no real gain but to keep this thing alive. Some people just like to criticize others in a way that is not constructive. I'm here and I appreciate all you do! Keep up the good work !

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I get that - but to badmouth me, and the site? What the hell did I do other than try to keep this place together??

Hey man, the badmouthers are a small minority. Even if its not said outright. Every single post on this whole damn site should be looked at as an expression of gratitude, because without you our community would not he possible. Don't let a few negative Nellie's get you down, or distract you from what this about: the love of fur, something you've done an excellent job keeping alive. Personally I'm thrilled ffg is back. Although I much prefer the freedom to express my... Personal tastes here. But all ffg being back means is more fur love online, and that ain't a bad thing. Keep your chin up.

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Neo, some people are going to complain no matter what. The people who badmouthed you and left for FFG were singing the dens praises and complaining about 2dye4 not that long ago. It's reflection of them, not you.

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This forum is well designed and organized, let them do whatever they want, you do a great job! We can see your effort..

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Thanks everyone.


Just bugs me to be bad mouthed without reason. If I can do anything for you guys let me know.

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As the last of the previous group of site admins, and one who previously rescued the Fur Den concept from potential death, I totally agree with what has been said in this topic.


Being the owner of this site, as neoJaguar is now, is probably the most thankless and under appreciated job on the internet. It is good to see some of you rallying to support nJ in light of what has been said by a few trolls. nJ needs all the support he can get.


If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for site improvement, PLEASE let neoJaguar know via either a PM, or a post in the "Suggestions, Feedback, And Your Questions Answered" forum.

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Neo you are doing an outstanding job here on the Den. Don't get discouraged. People are fickle in general and have very short memories. I know I appreciate all you do and am proud to be a member of your FurDen family. Stay strong!

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Let the trashy people go to their trashy site.


I agree with Fox! Neo: you have done a SUPERB job at maintaining the Den making sure the original intent of FrBrGr et al. is carried on. A site in which members can discuss fur fashion as well as other topics privately if they choose.


I think you must be a web designer for some company with all your talent.



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Thank you for all you do and have done, friend!

Don't let a few badmouthers bring you down you know, people are always quick to talk sh*t...

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