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Sightings from Winter in the lower hemisphere...


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At last, Winter has finally arrived in Australia...its down to 4'C at least (and with wind chill puts it at almost -1'C here in the Highlands South of Sydney.


I did wonder if it would ever be cool again, but glory be, yesterday in the local supermarket a full length pastel mink coat....beautifully worn and it looked warm...


Oh for more of the same...



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  • 1 month later...



Up in Sydney, the sightings have been few and far between, but the ones I have seen have been high quality worn by beautiful women mainly.

Apart from the normal fur trimmed hoods worn by many Asian girls and guys, I have seen a middle aged lady in a mink jacket that was almost new in appearance, and she was walking during the day down George Street in the centre of the city. Didn't look dressed up to go anywhere special, just enjoying casual furs during the day!

Also seen a big white fox cape/stole, spotted in the evening round near the Park Hyatt, a couple obviously on their way out to a show or dinner. I was a bit of a distance away, and at work on a barge in Campbells Cove there, so didn't get a good look but she did catch my eye from over 100m away!


Otherwise, all my fur sightings have been either at home, or the on my wife when we had a weekend away in Canberra and it was -4 in the morning! Hope you are enjoying the cold weather in your furs too, as it will be getting warmer soon.



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  • 3 months later...

Hello there my Aussie friends,


I certanly think the wearing of furs have drematically increased in the last 4-5 years.


Although fur sightings are almost non-existant at the moment. I regularly see furs on chilly winter mornings in the sydney CBD or shopping in pitt street on a cold weekend.


I largely think its to do with the general perception of furs changing in the wider community. Previously it was almost impossible to get my wife to wear furs out. Although now my wife has several fur vests, a fur trimmed parka and this winter she even got a silver fox handbag.


I do admit, females of an Asian background are more likely to wear fur but its definitely growing. I remember this winter I saw a young woman walking up George street with fur topped boots and a masive blue fox pill box hat... man I almost walked intona street pole.


Although now summer is almost here I will just have to imagine. ..



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Fluffa, welcome to the Den, and good to see another Aussie fur lover here. Sounds like you are in Sydney too, we live out sid the city but I work on the Harbour so am in the city every day.


There has not been any fur sightings for me to report, outside any ways. I did get out in my furs a few evenings over winter, just taking my baby daughter out in the pram before bed, but only around the streets at home. My wife did wear her sheared mink 3/4 with silver fox hood when we went to Canberra in the winter, and she got no comments or looks, either pro or anti fur. I guess as sheared mink is not easily identifiable as real to the untrained eye?


The most recent was when I shut the bedroom up on a hot ish day (28 degs) and left the aircon on full for 4 hours. Then all our furs came out for a play!!! The bed was invisible under the spread of fur


Red fox hooded parka

3/4 XXL Racoon coat

hooded white fox pieces jacket

sheared black mink with silver fox hood

blue fox rug, pillows and mitts (made from a recycled full length coat)

Racoon fur collar


All burying my naked and beautiful wife (who is still breast feeding so has great tits too!)


Good to see another Aussie fur lover here,


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Thanks 999,


Yeap im a sydneysider and work in the city.


So I do get to see the best that the city has to offer.


Although its great to see there are other fur lovers in Sydney. I remember before the internet I felt so alone with my love of fur. Although these communities show me there are others out there.


I do have quite a fur collection.


Im surprised you dont rugg up on the cool days on the harbour in a sheepskin jacket. I think thats going to be my next purchase. Saw a few around this winter.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys,


Sorry for the bump of an old topic but thought it was still relevant despite it relating to last year.


Notwithstanding the terrible wet weather, I was lucky enough to see a couple of fur sightings in the city last week: a girl in a beautiful white fox vest going down the escalators at Wynyard. I made sure to "accidentally" leave a trailing arm out as I whisked past her so I could get a quick feel of the fur and it was magnificent


Then on Friday evening going home on the train, I spotted a girl in her early 20's wearing a stroller length brown rabbit fur. Unfortunately with the rain on the train windows, it was a bit difficult to see properly but I'm hoping I'll get another chance to spot her again when it's not raining this week

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Lots of sightings locally, as I making a lot of them. I find its easy to use old coats and jackets to make waistcoats, fur trimmed gloves and scarves.

Family members are most grateful so I am now seeing the fruits of my work walking around the area. Only small projects mind you but being used.


Its a great way to spread the furry message...



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Isn't making your own sightings cheating a little bit?


The sightings in the city keep on coming and I'm left a little excited at the prospect of what's to come if the offering this early into winter has been as good as it has

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I'm not sure I would say 'cheating', but promoting further sightings by all.....and encouraging non-users to try.


It's all a good thing..



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(new) fellow from the south here. well, although fake fur is more wide spread as collar/cuffs (eventually, full jackets) and accessories, it stills very expensive here. there are a few on thrift stores, but mostly in bad condition. some surprises here and there, but I'm happy at all to see overcoats more often, at least D

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Hi all. I went out to dinner on Saturday night with my new girl- who has a number of furs that I have brought her but is a little scared to wear in public.

As we sat waiting for a table. A woman walking in wearing a lovely silver fox jacket. The reaction she got from people was amazing.

Now my girlfriend hasn't stopped talking about it and is excited to wear her blue fox out next weekend. It seems that seeing another woman wearing fur in public has helped give her enough courage to wear hers out.

We'll be out in Dunedin on Saturday night, probably no.7 balmac if there's any other fur lovers around.

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Getting quite a few faux fur coats and vests around North Sydney at the moment. Looking forward to winter coming .


Although heading to Christchurch in June. Any other NZ fur hotpots out there?

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Hi fluffa, I've never really had much luck in Chch. Visiting Dunedin was more successful last winter as far as a city.

We live not far from the Ski towns- Wanaka and Queenstown. But have been getting better and better in the last few years.

Wanaka especially which is surprising as Queenstown always had the reputation of the southern aspen. I've noticed that a number of the local lady's wearing fur regularly. There's even a teacher from the high school that wears quite a few furs- one silver fox jacket is quite something, it's not one of those cheap numbers!

There is a trend starting for the 20-30ish girls to wear rabbit jackets. And my fav is the number of Fox's that are slowly coming back out of the wardrobes of the middle ages women

Starting to think that quite a few are new acquisitions!

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Thanks Furnz,


Might have to make our way down that way.


Although we have had a bit of a cold snap here in Sydney, the last couple of days and BOOM!! The furs are out.


I walked out of the office yesterday and there was a middle aged lady with a puffy parker that had a large dyed fox collar, fox trim down the front and fox cuffs.


Even saw a young lady this morning with what looked like a finch jacket... lots of vests and collared coats as well.


Think I need to arrange a night out with my wife ASAP!!

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Guys I just had to share this, so I went down to get my morning coffee this morning and I think i went to heaven.


There was a girl with a black fox vest, chunky white turtleneck, jeans and thigh high black boots

.. well I nearly lost my mind...


unfortunately I was with people so I couldn't get too close... man thats a good way to start the day!!!

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Doesn't that suck when all you want to do is take a closer look and you can't? Seems to always be the way with me!


Sounds like a great sight all the same, fluffa. Definitely a good start to the day!

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After visiting Europe in winter and getting high on all the furs that people wear around there, im disappointed in Adelaide.

Even in this cold weather, the best ive seen so far is a few faux fur collars on parkas, that sort of thing.

Keeping my fingers crossed that this will improve soon as winter starts to really kick in

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With a nice cold front set in at the moment, I'm once again holding out some hope for another sighting or two in the Sydney CBD tomorrow and Tuesday. With the sun also out, I'm feeling a little confident of seeing something worth reporting back here on

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  • 1 month later...

bit of an update. we've got pretty good snow for the start of the season. it's did warm up last week a little but has now cooled down again -7 last nite.


there's been a lot of those knitted rabbit/fox vest and tops around town. plus puffers with real fur hoods etc.

it's just starting the school holidays and the number of real fur jackets and coats has been really exciting to see. retro rabbit jackets etc are definitely on the up.


I also saw a what looked to be a brand new mahogany mink on 40 something woman a few days ago. and my favorite, ive seen 2 blue fox coats and 1 silver fox so far this week. all 3 foxes where on really good looking women.

its been a great start to the winter here!


any reports from you guys over the ditch?

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Lisaci, please try to keep the threads on topic if possible. It is just that if someone posts an off topic message often, that the threads get kind of "All Tangled Up".




White Fox

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Lisaci, please try to keep the threads on topic if possible. It is just that if someone posts an off topic message often, that the threads get kind of "All Tangled Up".




White Fox


Thanks for finally stepping in. It was getting monotonous and tedious.




It's been a sensational season for furs down here in Sydney so far and with the cold temps and icy wind that's been in Sydney the past few days, I've spotted three different women in fur but the best had to be on Thursday morning as I walking down a street in the city to my office and noticed a woman coming in the opposite direction a little distance away from me. With the wind we had on Thursday morning, the first thing I noticed was the wonderful satin lining of her coat. Around a second later, I'm not sure what made the connection but I remembered the last time I had seen lining like that was in a fur... and sure enough by the time that thought process had rolled through, she was in easy distance enough for me to see she was wearing a stunning 3/4 length vintage black rabbit fur - perfectly matching the skirt that was worn underneath. There was no way I could take my eyes off her as she passed by and realising there was no one watching me from behind her, I simply stopped and admired the view for several seconds more before continuing my journey to what was a pretty good start to a working day!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ahh Opera in Sydney......what's not to like about it.


Cold night, brisk Southerly wind.

Amazing opera....just amazing

Full length lunaraine (I think) mink coat....stunning and excellent quality

Mink bolero - again good quality

assorted rabbit jackets

assorted fake furs and on younger women



Keeping the eyes peeled..



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I can just imagine the Opera House being something of a gold mine for furs in winter, especially with the brisk temps we had this past weekend too.


Have seen bountiful rabbit examples this season but not too much of anything else

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  • 5 months later...

I'm sure hoping the sightings are as good or better than they were this year (or should that technically be last year now?). For a variety of reasons, I'm really looking forward to winter this year!!

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