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How did you start your fur collection?


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How did you started/make grow you fur collection? It was always a rational buying, always emotional or mixed? You started by yourself or someone gifted and then you went after the others? Was it planned or by impulse?


So, to start: I was navigating in those online trade sites, then (as always), I started a search for coats, just for the game. After seeing some cool stuff and others... not so cool, I passed by a really cheap rabbit fur coat. And my heart started to pump faster. After some messages, and some photos, I decided to go after it. Well, it was a damn cheap deal, so my expectations about the coat was really low, but I felt to go for it.


After 3h on bus (it was really far), I arrived in the location (and lost another hour searching for the woman who was selling - because some places aren't that organized, but it happens). Talking to her, happened that she lend it to a friend, but she made some tears on the coat (left shoulder and inside the collar), so she gave it to me for half the (already low) price, to cover the repairs.


I was sparkling. Tired from the long trip, but sparkling.


When I arrived home, I took a deeper look to the coat, to see the real situation of it, and well, wasn't the best looking thing... But way better than I though: aside the tears, the linning was dirty and had a moth. But, surprisingly, the pelts aren't too bad (in fact, the hair still strong), and the tear spots was just unsewed. Just picked a sewing needle and (with my inexistent skills) closed the spots. So far so good (just need work more on the shoulder, that keeps unsewing).


Sure, wasn't exactly the better deal I made in my entire life, but wasn't the worse too (I bought a faux coat somewhat cheap, then died a little with the shipping costs), but I'm really happy with it. I think I'm in a long way, still, to buy furs more rationally. x:

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I was shy and bought my first Saga bluefox online without seen it.

Opening that box and finding it in perfect condition was a thrill.


A year after that i bought another blue that was thicker and heavier but not that soft as the Saga.


Then i saw this amazing silverfox that was in a town nearby,i man up and went to see it.

I said to the lady that it was for my girlfriend. She asked if she was the same size as me.

I said yes.She told me then to put it on and see if it fits.I did and then her husband came in to the room.

He looked at me and said nothing.I'm sure he was thinking "What is going on here?".

I bought it and paid more then she asked for.


After some time a member here opened my eyes to fashion and i got myself a Gucci silverfox.

It's my precious!

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Then i saw this amazing silverfox that was in a town nearby,i man up and went to see it.

I said to the lady that it was for my girlfriend.


hahaha, I used this once, now I just say I like to collect furs, and no more worries ^^ Sometimes some people find it strange, but at all they react nicely

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have been reviewing my FUR history.

The earliest memeory is when I was about 7 or 8. We (my parents and I) used to go into London about twice a year. Can't remember why.

Anyway, in those days there was a chain of stores called Swears & Wells. They had a branch at the junction of Oxford St. and Regent St.

I was mesmerised by the FURS in the window display, and tried to estimate what the smallest item would cost.

I decided that a pair of FUR gloves would be about £10. At the time I was on 10/- (50p) pocket money so it would take me a long time to save up.

I never did.


Later when I was at secondary school, I was asked to pick up a FUR muff from a family friend, and bring home. This is when I think I started to love FUR, as I put it into my trousers, before going into the house. I remember being asked (told off) for having such a large backside.


My re-awakening came when I saw a silver FOX fur boa in a shop in Bath when I was about 25. I bought it, and hope my wife would wear it (as it was a Christmas present) I think she did once, but I took it over and wore it several times.


It was just a start of my fur wardrobe.

I now posses 2 MINK coats, MINK hats, SABLE hats, MINK gloves, MINK scarves, FOX scarves, SABLE scarves. etc etc. I just purchased a knitted MINK scarf, and MINK hat. This was just after my long FOX scarf (Dennis Basso), and I have just received a FOX gilet from Harrods from their winter sale.

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I bought another white rabbit jacket dirty cheap too. Way better condition than that I described on the first post. Now I'm trying to sew both together to do some kind of full lenght.


Worth mention: I never saw someone so excited/interested about when I told the seller I had a collection of furs coats. Seriously, that was priceless. Her smile and surprise was really that big.

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My collection started with a an old sheepskin that my next door neighbours were throwing out.


However, the first furs I ever bought was 2 faux furs from a thrift shop. I remember I pretended to buy them for a fancy dress party, i dont know if the lady bought it but I remember the rush of joy when I purchased them.


I still get the same rush when I get a new fur.

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  • 2 months later...

I definitely remember my first fur purchase! I was planning for months to finally buy a fur! I went to a Burlington Coat Factory and spent almost a half hour looking at their faux fur collection and finally selected a thigh length soft brown faux fur. I think I have a photo of it in my fur photos here on the den. I was so nervous in being in public shopping for a fur! Now most of my purchases or on eBay.

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I purchased a hooded coyote parka from Mark's-Lloyd's Fur in Denver in 1996. I still have it and wear it often. I've added others since, but didn't purchase my second fur - a full-length coyote coat - until 2009.

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  • 1 year later...

Great thread!


The oldest item in my collection is a 1940s blush fox collar my fabulous grandmother passed down to me about ten years before she died. There were other pieces, including her mouton (or beaver-lamb) stroller, which I still have, but the remaining jackets, stoles, hats, muffs, cuffs, and ruffs have found new homes. This was the same grandmother who gifted me a grey rabbit parka, made in Fairbanks, Alaska, in '91; I can't believe that I've had some of the items in my current collection longer, having traded that parka in a New York fur district deal for my first major piece, a full-length men's coyote coat, almost eleven years later. That experience was priceless. What's more, that coat actually found a new home with one of you!


In terms of my collection acquired anonymously, considering that I was too shy to ask my relatives about their furs (until some of them came to *me* a few years ago asking about re-fur-bishing a garment or two), I've kept a spreadsheet of every purchase for about 17 years. One of the first and best pieces was a pair of one-of-a-kind mink musher mittens with red fox cuffs and removable white sheared beaver linings. I have yet to find a piece like that today! It took me maybe four or five blue or silver fox purchases from online auctions, and conversations with the same number of understanding furriers, before I knew what not to do. Writing this makes me grateful to have eventually cultivated an eye for quality and craft.


One hilarious failure was a piecemeal rabbit and fox peacoat. It felt like a cloud, but I found out why -- being understandably excited, I wore it in my new car, with all windows open, during a three-hour solo drive home from a winter trip...and the coat shed all over everything. And I didn't notice until the next morning!


Here's to learning by doing.

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We used to have a paper that was published weekly of items for sale. I used to go into the drugstore and search the furs and leathers section.. I ended up seeing a full length coyote coat for sale and wrote down the number... I went and picked it up that night.. I lied and said it was for my girlfriend LOL It fit perfectly!! Im kind of lucky where my mom knew how luch I loved wearing fur coats.. it went back from being 5 years old and wearing an old muskrat jacket... she bought a new mink and I remember her telling me or demanding that I wear her raccoon full length home... next thing I knew I was wrapped up in full length raccoon coat and hat.. I always used to wear it or the coyote when i drove her to work.. then I would proceed to a local park and go for walks in the -25 weather wrapped up in either fl coyote or raccoon... that was back in the late 90s when wearing fur was no big deal.. unfortuneatly... things have changed since then, but I still will drop my mom off wearing fur and carry on

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I honestly think that fur is experiencing a renaissance at the moment. I often see young women wearing furs that are vintage. In other words, they belonged to mother's, aunts and the youngsters are asking 'what's wrong with wearing these gorgeous clothes?'


Long may it continue.

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I honestly think that fur is experiencing a renaissance at the moment. I often see young women wearing furs that are vintage. In other words, they belonged to mothers, aunts etc and the youngsters are asking 'what's wrong with wearing these gorgeous clothes?'


Long may it continue.

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I bought my first silver fox coat on ebay when i was about 24 years and i was doing my master degree in paris. I tried it every night for about 6 months then i sold it on priceministre.

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