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I’ll Still Wear My Real Fur And You Can STFU About It

Guest CruelIsHot

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Well written article. Pity about the comments. It's amazing how you can make people believe anything if you can tack it on the "liberal credentials" list. Emotional blackmail makes the world go-round these days.

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The article is on the money with my feelings. The comments are insane. I long for days gone by when you could enjoy a fur without being thought of as a "sociopath"

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Wow. The internet breeds some hateful people. Great article though, thanks for posting it! I especially agree about loving animals and loving fur. I actually think being around furry animals from a young age is the reason I love fur so much!

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The skinning comment is insane. I can understand why people could be anti-fur, they simply don't understand farming and trapping to be a humane and renewable process. It's not really their fault, they just don;t get it because there's too much anti-fur propaganda from advertising businesses like PETA. But you are an idiot if you somehow think calling for human death to compensate for animals' life is at all viable.

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I particularly like this comment
Wtf did I read, if you like fur..I hope someone skins your family and wears them so proudly around. Ignorance is real and it's right here. Fuck your very much lady.


Talk about trying to win an argument from a hypocritical stand point. If this person had a brain cell they'd qualify as plankton.



I like this and my dog!

There is obviously no contradiction between caring for animals and loving fur, just as you can love your dog as well as enjoy a hamburger. Unless, of course, you are one of them ideologist vegans who think of themselves as having a monopoly on right and wrong human conduct. Luckily they are few in numbers.
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It's so disappointing that people considering wearing real fur may land on this article and see all the one-sided hateful comments. Not many would brave making a supportive comment when seeing so much abuse so it's a vicious cycle of a one-sided extreme view being the only visible one. Such a hard thing for us to counter.


Nice refreshing article though. Would be nice to see her here in the Den.

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Agree with all above comments. I did add a comment about "well written" but further added most people who would NOT wear fur eat meat, so what's the difference? Comment came back that I was wrong. I third person added that I was right and had statistics. I then elaborated on the "virtues" of using faux fur. That is is petroleum-based, further, that growing cotton kills thousands of species of pants and animals. I guess PETA doesn't count invertebrates or the birds or rodents that feed on invertebrates. FINALLY a couple of different folks put up videos. One is of a wolf pack eating a fox while the other is wolves eating a deer. Point is, NOT HUMANE especially compared to how farm-raised animals are euthanized.

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