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So you noticed a change...


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New site? Yep... Why? Old one crashed.


Not sure what happened, but the old Den has crashed... and instead of taking 4-5 days to restore it I made an executive decision to just move to the new site sooner.


It looks different yes - but functions the same, if not better. How?


We have video embedding now.

We have a chat room that's on one page that has file sharing, and as soon as i set it up audio/webcam support.

We have ONE theme that I'm still working on so some colors may not look right..


We have ONE theme that I'm still working on so some colors may not look right.



I hope everyone is able to handle this board, and I apologize about the site outage. As soon as I saw it down I called our host to find that the disks had crashed, and the file system was corrupt.


If you have ANY questions please post here, and I WILL answer them.

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What a breath of fresh air to walk into after unexpectedly spending a day away from here (although it sounds like I didn't miss out on too much).


Just a quick note: the existing link I had to the old site only turned up a 404 error and found my way back here via a Google search instead. Hopefully others either don't suffer the same 404 or do the same thing I did resorting to a Google search if it's not working for them

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Hey, I know FrBrGr is still around. If anyone has contact info. for him outside of the den, someone should try to get a hold of him to check out the new site. He'd be way impressed.

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New update: Added an IM function so you can easily see if someone wants to go in the chatroom, or just have a private conversation with a buddy.

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I like the new one but on the gallery why they don't have photoshop fur on the gallery. I have all pic of photoshop celebrity in fur and I have to put it on my gallery. Don't forget about moves and tv show pics of furs on the gallery.

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The Gallery is an area we are still working on. The images from the old site's galleries will be imported in the next several days.


We also need to import the fur stories from the former stories wiki. neoJaguar & I need to discuss the proper location for those, but my current thinking is to to have them in wordpress as a section off the site's front page.

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Gallery looks fixed. I will confirm with AK via email about that.


As far as stories go I would PREFER them go into the Fur Stories forum.. but we will discuss that too.

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