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White Fox


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I'm starting this thread to have a separate place for anyone to say something in remembrance of White Fox. As mentioned in the "State of the Fur Den" thread, he lost his battle to cancer. He was a kind, patient, and understanding person - the kind you don't find too often. Rest in peace good sir. You'll be missed.

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HOLY CRAP!! When John and I spoke (via email) it sounded as if he was out of the woods regarding his cancer. Obviously that was not the case. This is a tremendous loos! He seemed to be a gentle and kind man. His passing puts things in perspective. In the past I have witnessed squabbling here on this site over formats, individuals being jerks or simply what type of fur "is best". Those squabbles are just that and not worth any of our time. John's passing puts everything into perspective and what is REALLY important in our short time on this little rock.


May you be in fur heaven John.



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It couldn't have happened to a kinder person. He put his heart and soul into this community. Truly a labor of love. It is hard to imagine the Fur Den being the same without his guidance. I remember when I first joined up here John sent me a PM to welcome me. He assured me then that he kept an eye out for the women members, and he kept his word.


Thank you, John, for your work in running a site that is welcoming to everyone. Without you we FFG refugees would not have a new home. Your commitment to this place and your kindness will not go unremembered. Farewell dear friend. Much love.

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I have huge shoes to fill, and hope that I can live up to them. John was a great guy, and was very awesome to deal with. I'm very humbled that he chose me to take over, and I hope I don't let you guys down.

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I'm pretty certain he was the first person in the fur community that I got to know to some capacity, and he was definitely one of the first persons that I got to know strictly via the internet. He was definitely welcoming and a good soul.

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Hey neo... think you just got your first task.


And I know this is in wrong section, but:


Allow folks to have... I dunno, fur coat collection where for 1-25 +1s it is rabbit, and so forth with the the ultimate being whatever at whatever. Yeah, I know it is vague, but it is afterall 6.06AM in Eastern Australia.


I posted my thoughts about White Fox in Neo's opening post.

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The first task should be a tribute to WF on the header under "This Web Site is a Personal Dream Of FrBrGr" like "Our hearts belong to you,John".

I'm not a poet,but there should be something there.

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The first task should be a tribute to WF on the header under "This Web Site is a Personal Dream Of FrBrGr" like "Our hearts belong to you,John".

I'm not a poet,but there should be something there.


I second this.

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Awful to hear such sad news. John was always a wise head and kind heart here so will be a big loss to the forum and the wider fur fetish community as a whole.


I wish the best to his family and friends, even if they may never know of his contribution and efforts here.



Mr Mockle

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Oh man I can't believe that White Fox AKA John past away. Wow I never see that day. He will be in fur heaven where he belongs. I never had to change to meet John in person. I hope that neoJaguar takes over because we need him to take over for White Fox.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My condolences to all who knew and loved John. A kind hearted man with a gentle soul was taken before his time.


Farewell old friend. We hardly knew you.

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John will be surely be missed; my thoughts and prayers are with his family. He was the first to really recognize the need for a place to express all of the fantasies and feelings when it comes to fur. I can't thank him enough for that.

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