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Chat & gallery problems caused by upgrade of board


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Our recent upgrade of this board to phpBB 3.1.x has caused some unexpected problems.

PhpFreeChat and Coppermine (galleries) are currently not able to obtain all the user info they need. This appears to be due to some architecture changes in the phpBB 3.1 software relative to the design of phpBB 3.0.


I am working on these issues, but it may take some time to resolve. In the mean time, the mChat extension has been re-enabled and PhpFreeChat has been disabled. In the galleries, do NOT attempt to do a lookup on a username or you will get an SQL error.

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Great that it seems we've got the old board back but it's changing the "guest" name you log in with every 7 seconds. Could make it a little tough to figure who you're chatting with if there were multiple people in the room at the same time

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Apparently you missed my post on the Chat poll topic - you can change your chat nickname at any time by use of the "/nick" command (example: /nick newname).

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Thanks for the feedback " title="Applause" />


You SHOULD now be able to change your nickname with the /nick command. As for the automatic nickname changes, I was not aware of that and will have to research it further.

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Things are slowly improving with chat.

Chat will now prompt you to enter your nickname. There are a couple of additional issues I need to resolve, but PhpFreeChat should now allow most user functions to work.

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