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Just 50 people

White Fox

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Folks. So many people do come to visit here. And we do need finances here now badly.


If only 50 people were to give $20 each we would be at our goal for this fall. Are we glad to get larger donations? You bet that we are! Also, We do realize that not every one can give even that much. However, we really hope that you will consider donating to the Den. We are not going to be doing many changes here now until we get more donations, as there is just no use if the site is going to go down. However, if more people donate we will certainly be grateful. It would be such a shame to see this place disappear totally! If you can give $50 or more that is fantastic! If you can give $20 that is great too. Or even less if that is all you can afford.


A number of people have donated a number of times over the last few years. They want the Den to live on. We hope that You do too!


Just hit the donate button on the bar up top if you can see your way to help us out and let the Den live again.


Thanks all


White Fox

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