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temporary site closure coming... Please note.

White Fox

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Folks we will soon be changing our site over to our new phpBB.


AKCoyote mentions that all the preliminary work that can be done is done so we are pretty much ready to go. Due to the database cleanups & conversion, and the testing required we expect the outage to be about 2 hours. We are currently thinking of doing the upgrade next Sunday the 13th from 09:00 -> 11:00 CDT (14:00 -> 16:00 UTC).


The site WILL be down for a short while, while we do this. However, please just be patient as it will be back soon after.


White Fox

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Just a minor clarification - the forums will be down for the upgrade, but other parts of the site *SHOULD* remain accessible. Although as some areas are dependant on the forums software and the Den database for login authentication, those will probably not be usable during the forums upgrade.

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I'm very excited for the upgrade! But how long will it take?
As White Fox indicated in the OP, I expect I will need about 2 hours to complete the upgrade.
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Every year or two we need to do updates that do take a few days but none coming soon.


However we should note that no more updates to the site after chat is fixed are scheduled, as if we do not get donations soon, the site IS due to end. We need to stress that! So there is no use making further updates unless donations are received to help save it.



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