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Counterfeit Blackglama label?


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Is this a counterfeit Blackglama label? A person on Etsy selling a jacket with this in it sent me this photo when I asked to see the label of the "Black Glama" coat they were selling. I'm looking again after realizing the SAGA I had on layaway was too small in the chest area from the measurements. If it is fake, I don't know how to bring it up. I don't think they are intentionally trying to scam anyone but I think they should know.



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Almost certainly a fake. ALC holds the one word trademark "Blackglama". Blackglama labels come with a serial number that you can punch in online (http://www.blackglama.com/authenticity/verify-label/) to verify authenticity. I don't know when they started that practice so a vintage garment might not have a serial number. The stitching on the label is also suspect to me, but again the age of the garment may account for this.



Hope that helps,



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I'm with Foxy, most likely a fake which is based on this label:




At the end of the day, you can either ask the seller where they acquired the coat from (which can be a tell-tale in itself) or if the fur still appeals to you, then go with your gut. Some sellers do make unintentional errors - I've been lucky to buy a lynx that was advertised as mink and a chinchilla that was advertised as rabbit! If the appeal of Blackglama is what you're really after, then you might be best steering clear of this one.

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  • 2 months later...

Sometimes you can mainly tell by the skins alone if it's less than 15 years old and has been well kept through its life and you've seen enough of them. But yes the label is already suspect because there's no separation in the word "Blackglama."

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