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Moving to Narnia


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There are MANY totally false assumptions in the OP's post.


First is the assumption that any change to these forums or any other part of the website can happen instantly. Most changes to the structure and style take time - considerable time. Also some suggestions are not possible, at least at the current time. None of the staff have the required talent and experience to make major changes to the code of phpBB. If a modification to accomplish a proposed change does not already exist that is compatible with the version of phpBB that we are using, then it is impossible for us to act on the proposal.


Second is the assumption that the moderators can make changes to the structure or style. Only the administrators can make such changes. Moderators can ONLY moderate the forums - removing spam posts and such.


Third is that we would make major changes without letting the membership comment on such proposals. This is YOUR community meeting place and YOU deserve a voice in the planning process of any major changes. We have given you a change to select a new name for a forum. When the final poll closes that forum's name will be changed to the one YOU chose.


Fourth is that the admins have lots of time to chat. While I agree that the chat rooms can be a great way to discuss ideas, we do have a life with other things we need to do. Also time zone differences limit who can participate in a chat with an admin. Any proposals for changes should be posted to the Information Zone forum where ALL admins can see it, and all members can comment on it.

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Are you giving up on them so soon?

It take time to learn old horses.......


What happens on 15th June?

Where is this Narnia?I only hit a wall,then going through my furcloset.

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I have partially agree with tryxie i am only person seems that greets new users am whole heartky in chat almost every day chatting with members u see i have over 100 posts in the lil time been on this site way more than all mods combined And chat yes be nice see one or two mods just join us once i have posted time that i am there almost every day 115 pst 415 est 915 and 1015 europe time and the balkins etc Come by meet the members say hello Tryxie i will be sad to see you go always enjoyed chatting with you As i said always like that firey way about youYou have drive and that is what this site needs will miss you in chat please drop by for one last time and maybe a chance i can talkk you outta leaving

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You are one of the very few who announce when they will be in chat. " title="Applause" /> Did you know that we have a Chat scheduling forum as a sub-forum of Ye Olde Denne Pub forum


Tryxie had some reasonable ideas, but her complete lack of patience and her attacking the staff for not doing everything she wanted immediately (some of which is beyond our capabilities) makes her, in my opinion, undesirable as a member of this website.

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i have used chat scheduling forumn put on the forumns here and the adult forumn have invited people i see on live and people i greet as new members do any of you look at new members list and personally greet them here ???

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Yes Trash is a good word cos honestly I have not seen you interact and said a kind word... Just moan, moan, moan...

Mistress XXX

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So spend most of your time here complaining, often in places where it isn't appreciate, and because you aren't getting your way immediately you are leaving? That isn't a healthy attitude. You need to realize that people have lives outside of the internet that take priority. Especially since this is a small community run by volunteers. This a a site for fur enthusiasts, not a non-profit charitable firm.


You were met with resentment and apathy because you didn't offer your criticism in a constructive way. You come off as having a chip on your shoulder. Did you ever consider that maybe your suggestions weren't helpful? If you want to storm off in a huff then fine, go. Throwing a tantrum isn't going to get you anywhere.

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Just a couple of quick notes here.


1. Right now for instance I am working two shifts a day until the end of the week. A number of our mods are not available because they are moving photographs into the new Gallery from the old R album when they get a few moments. One has just came home from a business trip. Another is soon to leave on one. As noted, we are all volunteers here. We spend a lot of time here but this place is NOT our life.


We do our absolute best here. Pretty much every waking day that I am not at work is spent either here or on another volunteer project That I do. I might get to see one tv program in a night if I am lucky. Of the two projects mentioned, probablu 80% of the time involved is spent here.


2. I do feel very delinquent that I am not welcoming EVERY new member here, as mentioned and I feel very, very badly about that. I wish I could. But we are involved right now trying to get all of the suggestions members have given us into practice so we just seldom get even a few minutes to look at messages. I will try harder though.


3. I get the idea that some members are wanting a site here where mods are often telling people that they are doing things wrong, etc. We do NOT believe in that here. If you are looking for a site like that, then this is not the place for you as we do not believe in that. Very few times are messages ever deleted, etc.


4, Ii seem to recall you mention a chat time of something like 4:30 Eastern time. For any of us who work that is pretty much out.


At this point I will let others reply. Please realize that we DO do our best. I do though realize that this will not be the best for everyone and I do appreciate that.

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When the medicine kills the patient, what has been gained?


Tryxie, I have held my tongue here for about as long as I can. I honestly share Fox's opinion. You have great ideas, but the trouble and negativity you bring are not worth it. I will not sit by and allow you to spew your hatred and negativity any longer. I don't care what you want... I don't care what you think... I just want you to shut the fuck up!


Do you get it?


Sensualbill, I think you have found a way to play a valuable role here, you welcome members. You do not need to be a mod to do that. Maybe you have stumbled upon something we could have you head up, a welcoming committee. I think this could be of great value.



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The Welcoming Committee sounds like a FANTASTIC idea! I would imagine that there might be a lot more ways to make such work than just welcoming messages too. Anyone like Sensualbill and/or others like to take it on? We certainly will try to help you with any possible modifications to this site as needed if we can. A whole new idea that I really do think is worth being looked at in a whole lot more depth!



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As much as I hate to bring up FFG - they had a forum for new members to post a thread saying hi, and a little about themselves. Might be something we want to add.


As far as the rest - I've said my peace against TT in other threads. I won't lose any sleep if you go, so do what ya gotta do - just be happy either way! This is the internet, and again, a volunteer based website. Life is more important than both.



Good luck where ever you may go.

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Yes Trash is a good word cos honestly I have not seen you interact and said a kind word... Just moan, moan, moan...

Mistress XXX


Coming from someone who spends most of her posts slagging down FFG and Cookie gives you room to talk.



Cookie was a thieving tramp, and I know a lot more about him than you do


Mistress XXX

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I will tell you what... The very first post I read of yours I thought Oh... Trouble. And I will bet $1000 you are a Guy with a problem?

Mistress XXX

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Tryxie, I am sorry that I missed part of your original message here in regards to deleting all of your posts. Unfortunately we do not allow that here except in special cases. A special case would be a parent who had a child growing up who might find a message on a computer. When someone posts to forums such as these they know that they are publicly available, and it unfortunately wrecks every thread you have messages in.


I am sorry that it has come to this, but that is unfortunately the rule here.


We can though delete your membership as asked if you wish.


White Fox

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Lol, fuck right off, Tryxie. Hahahaha!


That's not necessary. We can all be civil here (hopefully).


You're right, I apologize, 2DYE4. I sincerely hope this place can become FFG 2.0.

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In these places it is so easy for emotions to run high. As much as I hate to ever lock a thread I truly believe that maybe we should do so here right now.


Thanks all for your understanding...


White Fox

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