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Christmas day was a bit bizarre for me.

I didn't actually go out, so this was one day that I didn't wear any fur at all. Not only that, my wife had bought a festive jumper (which I was obliged to wear).

All my clothes are constucted from natural fibres (including fur) so this day was also a day when I had to wear an item made partly of artificial fibres (85% acrylic). I did survive this humiliation.


Fortunately, on the other days, I wore my MINK jacket, MINK gloes, MINK cap, and SABLE scarf.


We stayed in friend's flat (in London) after Christmas (for our wedding anniversary, and New Year).

I wore my new full length MINK coat (thanks Kostas) and was able to get a further item for our up-coming Norwegian trip.

In Harrods, I had seen previously, two items that I had to have. One was a knitted SABLE gilet and the other was a fairly long (2m) knitted SABLE scarf.

Unfortunately they didn't have the scarf, so I bought the SABLE gilet. It also has a lovely hood, so I am calling my hoodie.

We went to the theatre on the 30th, wearing my MINK coat the right way round, long SABLE scarf, SABLE gloves and MINK cap.

Unfortunately they were the only two occasions I was able to wear my MINK coat correctly, as it was pretty wet in London, and had to use the leather side of the coat to repel the rain. I still used my short SABLE scarf though.

Happy new year to all my fur friends


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It's nice to hear that you had a nice Christmas even if you didn't get to wear fur on Christmas Eve.


I went to church for midnight service on Christmas Eve, by myself.

It was a good service. The music was good. There's nothing like hearing Gloria in Excelsis Deo played on the pipe organ and sung by a full choir on Christmas.


New Year's Eve would have been my wedding anniversary. Kinda' sucked for me...

It's good that you were able to spend your holiday with friends.

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