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Attack on fur shop in San Diego!

Guest furlessinCA

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Furs by Graf in San Diego was vandalized. I've already contacted the owner (somehow we are also connected on LinkedIn). She said that she has received support from all over the country. At any rate, according to the newspaper article, the FBI is investigating. See the article below via the link.



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It really IS good that the "upper edge of the law" are beginning to take this seriously. Yes, it would scare me if the police were after me. (They aren't! ) But it would scare me one Hell of a lot more if the FBI were after me on terrorism related charges. Especially if they could find these people this time. This time plus a couple of more would really underscore the fact that these people will have some real law punch after them if they try these things instead of having a finger shook at them like has happened before. It would also make some other folks think of the reality of joining these punks.

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I agree WF! I called my fur store in Sacramento to relay the news. In conversation, she said that in a way, the fur industry let this sort of thing happen by NOT confronting the media who seem to insist on glorifying the activities of animal rights activists, but do not consider the pollution resulting in polyester manufacturing.


At any rate, I too hope the FBI really crack down on this type of activity! The thing that REALLY gets me is that I don't begrudge people if they want to be vegetarian or vegan (though I think vegans are a bit nuts), so why can't "ALF" people agree to disagree with us? It's like the Sunni v. Shiite Muslims. They can't stand one another. For what?


My $0.02.



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My thoughts are if the FBI treats these people as Terrorists. Then maybe the FBI might send them for a few years vacation in Cuba, with the rest of the a-holes there.


I don't know if anybody read the comments after the report. Some approved the action. I would have made a comment, but my facebook picture is me in fur. So i was concerned that maybe the anti-fur commenters would try to attack me.



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People can believe what they want and act as they choose in the privacy of their own homes but they can't commit crimes in an attempt to bully others into doing and believing what they say.


These people don't really care about fur or animals or the environment or anything worthwhile, really. They mostly believe in controlling other peoples' lives and taking their money. Glorifying their acts only promotes their cause. The more people understand that and know that these people are criminals, the fewer people will follow them.


This is a battle of communication, not a battle over fur. The side who gets their message out is the side that wins. Stop and think... What have these people REALLY done for anybody? What have they REALLY done for animals? Not a lot. What have they REALLY done for themselves? They make money. That's about it.


Talking about fur, whether you are for or against it, is NOT the tactic. As soon as you take up the argument, you have lost the fight. That's what they want. They want to distract you.


Don't dance with the devil. Just turn your back on him and walk away. The moment you do anything else, you give him power over you.


Don't argue with P∂TA. That's what they want. The moment you do, they have power.

Deny them power by denying them the argument.


Keep the focus on their criminal acts. Keep the focus on their deception.

Throw your head back, point your finger at them and laugh at them. Ridicule them.


Show people the criminals that they are. Their group will die on the vine.

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When Horst was having all his problems with demonstrators at his shop in Portland, soon as the FBI got invloved the demonstrators were simply gone one day, never to be heard from again.


These guys had better watch their backs or they may find themselves in an Iraqi prison.


The anti-terrorist laws can work to our favor.



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People can believe what they want and act as they choose in the privacy of their own homes but they can't commit crimes in an attempt to bully others into doing and believing what they say.


These people don't really care about fur or animals or the environment or anything worthwhile, really. They mostly believe in controlling other peoples' lives and taking their money. Glorifying their acts only promotes their cause. The more people understand that and know that these people are criminals, the fewer people will follow them.


This is a battle of communication, not a battle over fur. The side who gets their message out is the side that wins. Stop and think... What have these people REALLY done for anybody? What have they REALLY done for animals? Not a lot. What have they REALLY done for themselves? They make money. That's about it.


Talking about fur, whether you are for or against it, is NOT the tactic. As soon as you take up the argument, you have lost the fight. That's what they want. They want to distract you.


Don't dance with the devil. Just turn your back on him and walk away. The moment you do anything else, you give him power over you.


Don't argue with P∂TA. That's what they want. The moment you do, they have power.

Deny them power by denying them the argument.


Keep the focus on their criminal acts. Keep the focus on their deception.

Throw your head back, point your finger at them and laugh at them. Ridicule them.


Show people the criminals that they are. Their group will die on the vine.


Very well put, Sir. Exactly right!

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