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Guest furlessinCA

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Samurman and Fur999:


I want to personally thank you for making a donation to keep the den alive! I must admit, I was becoming a bit jaded about support for the den. I have made a few meager donations which likely match my fur collection (one rex rabbit jacket). When I hear of folks with several furs, but do not contribute to help keep the den afloat, I became somewhat disappointed. I think that the moderators (WF, FBrGr, Off, Refur, AK, FLinFL and others (apologies if I have not recognized you)) should NOT have to use their funds to keep the den afloat as they all contribute much TIME! Further, they bend over backwards to assist members and assuage any perceived difficulty associated with the den. Personally I don't think moderators should contribute as they spend much time maintaining the den (see above).


Lastly, we all realize that there are many members who cannot afford to contribute. I've been there as a grad student, as a postdoc, heck even as an assistant professor looking at my checking account balance on the 5th or 6th after I've paid bills and wondering if $200 will get me to the end of the month. So for those folks, we all get it. We're here for the enjoyment of all. No worries. It is the folks who own 8 or 10 or more furs that need to step up to the plate, as we say in the U.S.


Thanks again Samurman and fur999! We need more like you!



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Thank you furlessinCA


While we have had donations of over $100, there is no need for members to be that generous. If about 115 members donate only $10 each per year, we will have enough to pay the hosting and domain registration costs of this website. Or it could be only 54 members donating $20 per year. Our minimum donation level is $5.


So if you want to see this website continue and can afford to donate a few dollars, please consider donating. The "Sponsorship" link in the page header will provide more info and take you to where you can make a donation via PayPal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just wanted to thank dongleboy and Furup for their recent donations here. Normally we send PM's, but since this thread was already started I decided to do it this way.


It is folks like you who will hopefully allow us to not have to pull the plug here in a few months. I and others here all, I am sure, want to thank you a very great deal for thinking of us. It really does mean a lot to us when folks help us to try to save this fantastic site.


Please excuse me if I happened to miss a name here of another donor. It takes a little while for information to get through the proper channels.


White Fox


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As a major part of the "proper channels" mentioned above, I should apologize if it sometimes seems that our response to a donation is rather slow. Running this site is strictly a volunteer effort when we have time and NOT a full time job.

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