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Any views on whether we should have a Facebook presence?


Other fur groups seem to have a Facebook "group", so I just wondered whether we are missing a trick. Personally, I'm not a massive Facebook user, so I'm not sure what benefits it might bring. I presume it's free to have a group. I guess it could increase awareness of the Den and maybe lead to increased membership. For one thing, there are a number of female fur lovers on Facebook!


However, I don't know whether it would necessarily lead to increased membership and activity in the Den, or whether people would just post on the Wall of the Facebook group.


Members of these Facebook groups tend to post photos, video clips and links to articles. So similar to the Den. But I haven't seen much in terms of discussions. One or two of the groups contain anti-furs, who post anti-fur links.


Thoughts, anyone?

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An interesting idea, but personally I refuse to have anything to do with Facebook. On a personal level, it is nothing less than total loss of privacy and can lead to massive problems for anyone with an account there.


As to groups on that site, I don't have enough info to judge if it might be worth the effort.

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I tend to view all of these different sites as "Divide and conquer". However, I can see both sides of it. Would be itneresting to see the thoughts of others on this. I don't think we would work on Twitter though.



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The thing that bugs me about FaceBook is that they are in the business of selling information at their members' expense.


Everything you do on FaceBook is recorded. Every person you connect with is noted. They keep track of everything you say and everything that you "like."

They track your presence and your movements on their site and on any other site that you visit that partners with FaceBook.


They compile all this information into a huge database and they use "data mining" techniques to determine things about you: Things you like or don't like, the people you talk to and the things you do. Then they use this information to target advertising at you and people like you. Other companies have to pay them for the privilege of using your data.


I don't specifically disagree with this because the data FaceBook sells is aggregate and isn't supposed to be personally identifiable. It's supposed to be just statistics but the thing is that they profit at your expense and you don't get any compensation for it. Being able to talk to your friends is feeble compensation, as far as I am concerned. I can do the same things with e-mail or at other websites which don't sell information about me.


Secondarily, there IS personally identifiable information about you stored on FaceBook's servers and that information can be used to tell who you are, where you live and to determine who your family is. There have been thieves who have breached FaceBook's security systems and they have stolen that personally identifiable information. That information can be used to commit fraud and identity theft against you and there's no guarantee that it won't happen again. Further, the government can get all that data and use it to investigate your activities but you'll never know it.


I don't care for the idea of strangers knowing that I have a fur fetish or that I have a substantial collection of Teddy Bears.

If I want people to know something I will share it with them. I will do it in a place that has reasonable security and that doesn't store a bunch of personal data about me.

If people want to come to the Fur Den and read what I write here, that's fine but I'm not going to have other people broadcast that information all over the whole internet without giving me some kind of control.


I don't hate FaceBook, per se. I'm just not particularly fond of it.

I do have a FaceBook account but I don't use it a whole lot. I only use it to visit other people's pages when you have to be a member to access them.

I don't have much personal information stored in my account profile. Only the basics.

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What I hate about Twitter that is that tiny number of characters. To some that is a challenge. To me it is a waste of time to try to make a message like that. However, if others wanted such I would not be against it. Just that I probably wouldn't participate...


As for Facebook. I just make sure I don't publish certain things.

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As to Twitter, I agree with WF on the limited characters per message. Also there is the issue of what would we tweet and who would issue the tweets. I do NOT think Twitter would be appropriate for us.


However, I generally agree that we do need to explore additional avenues for reaching potential new members and hopefully increasing participation on this website.

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I am just now looking and seeing "All mod" replies here. I realize suddenly that might be misleading.


First off I want to make sure that you folks know that we are just replying as members here. I think that all of us are open if you can give us ideas on whether you agree with us or how we could pull this off IF we decided to do it. We are not "Staff" saying "No". We are just ordinary Members of the Den saying what we think.


Secondly as AK has mentioned we love suggestions and we LOVE To have you tell us what might be wrong with our site! We do our best here but it is not always easy to do everything everyone wishes in the time frame they wish. But we try.


Just wanted to explain.

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I agree with the comments abpout data mining. But its something that we will have to learn to live with for a long time. Thats why stores have the id tags (key ring bar codes) you have to use to get the sale price (promo) items. I worked in IT for 15 years in retail and that data is sold to suppliers. But a lot of time the personal details (name address) are not supplied, but that of the X% of 20-35 year old males purchased widigets with $0.20 off and Y% with $0.33 off.



As for twitter I also don't like it because of the 140 char message length, it reminds me to much of the 80 column card that was used for input to computers up until the PC came along. I think they did that to conserve disk space on their servers. And twets are shoirt anyway. I am getting a lot of twets every day from the two cockatiels I am caring for while my girl friend moves.



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I agree there are lots of privacy concerns about facebook, but let's face it, facebook is HUGE! I mean, facebook will soon become a publicly traded company, and current evaluations put its value at about 100 BILLION US Dollars! There are millions of people, especially the youngsters, who spend hours everyday just on facebook, so much so that some analysts are predicting it will replace the whole internet for many people. I don't agree with those predictions, and I think it is way overrated, but then, in case someone searches for "Fur" or "Fur Den" on facebook, a simple page giving the URL of the Fur Den and pointing people AWAY from facebook and towards the DEN would be helpful. If you view it as a sort of free advertising, then, I think it will not do any (or much) harm.

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I've never used facebook, and my employer (who is a MOD company) advises me not to for security reasons. In this case I'm happy to oblige.

Just very content to use the Fur Den to exchange my fur thoughts.

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I agree with Worker on this topic. I have been a Facebook user for a few years and after the topic's I've studied in school over the last few months, I've been slowing shutting down my account. The idea that there is no line between privacy and public, not forgetting how they sell off information as well. I have been using it to stay in touch with old friends that I am geographically separated from. At this point though, as I said, I am in the process of leaving and shutting down my account with them.

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  • 2 months later...

You should be able to select the photo and then, there should be the option to "tag photo". Once you have that option open, then you should be able to edit/remove any tags on that picture. Another piece of information and I'm not completely sure on the accuracy but in order for someone to tag you in a photo, they also need to be on the friends list or like list.

If that does not work, you should be able to "report the photo" and have it removed that way as well.

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Samurman and all...


I look at this thread with interest. Watching it develop. Watching the comments from both sides.


I tend to agree with Samurman that this is maybe one of these "Use it if you like it or just avoid it if you don't" situations.


What I am thinking is that maybe this is a way for someone else to be involved here. Another member with another project. If someone would like to take it on, I think that those members who have given the negative sides in this thread will just not use it. But others might well do so. Maybe new members with a whole new perspective in fact. I think that we always need to be looking for new angles. New ideas.


We as staff members here would like to keep a bit of an eye on things just to know for sure that the page(s) work with our site. That they are up to our standards, and our quality, etc. However, if someone would like to take this on, I think that it would be a great project for you. Maybe do a quick outline and begin to put another fantastic area of our little site together.


Is there anyone here who would like to take on this challenge?



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I agree with the comments abpout data mining. But its something that we will have to learn to live with for a long time. Thats why stores have the id tags (key ring bar codes) you have to use to get the sale price (promo) items. I worked in IT for 15 years in retail and that data is sold to suppliers. But a lot of time the personal details (name address) are not supplied, but that of the X% of 20-35 year old males purchased widigets with $0.20 off and Y% with $0.33 off.


For supermarket promotions, the customer gets a tangible benefit for his "pound of flesh." He gets cheaper prices on food and other goods. If the supermarket sells aggregate data to suppliers in exchange for cheaper prices to the customer, that might be a fair trade.


But, what do I get from Facebook? I can talk to my friends via e-mail or by using website forums. I can post pictures and comments on a blog page and my friends can see them and write their own comments. Facebook gives me nothing tangible and they give me nothing that I can't get anywhere else for free.


If I got half-off discounts of computer software or coupons to buy things at stores or other websites, that would give me something tangible.


The problem is that advertisers are already getting the milk without having to buy the cow and I don't think that there will be any way to change that unless lots of people stop using Facebook and demanding something in return for relinquishing their privacy.


Most people don't even get it...

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I just recently got active on facebook.


I would never consider doing anything related to fur on it however. I view it as "public" and my site is deliberately public.


It is great for connecting with folks in areas of mutual interests that yu would never otherwise meet.


Otherwise I don't take it very serious. I try to promote my business at every opportunity which is what it can be good for.



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  • 4 months later...

I was reading some old topics here and found this one about Facebook...

Just to let you know that I deleted FourrureClub's Facebook fan page yesterday. Why ? Because many anti-fur were posting awfull comments on it. In the beginning, that wasn't boring (delete... delete... delete...), but since the beginning of autumn, it was really weird. Insults, threats, human stupidity at its best !! I just kept my personnal account and doesn't spend more than 5 minutes per week on FB. What do we have to see there ? Photos, and photos again. No real relationship between people... Too sad for a "social" network

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It's really easy for people to insult you when they don't have to do it face to face!


If you* don't like something I said on the internet, go ahead and tell me what you think but don't be offended if I tell you to flip off.


Things are different when it's in-person. Again, say what you like but DON'T threaten me or my friends and family because I WILL take it seriously. If you do, you are likely to get hurt.


There lies the difference! People who are too chickens#it to say something to my face find it easy to say it over the internet.

I generally don't take people like that seriously but when faced with continuous abuse, like you, I'll just leave.


I think you did the right thing.

It's best not to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed idiot.


(* The word "you" is used in the general sense.)

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I'm with Worker on this one too. I have a Facebook but only for closest friends and to find old ones. I don't even use my real name or birthdate. And no fur stuff either. Facebook is for creeps mainly. The whole concept now has gotten totally outta hand. Alot of datamining going on there that I frankly wouldn't want to be a part of, but people seem to be ok with it.

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the only real problem i see with facebook is that to much personal intell is collected by facebook... i dont forse any problems with us having a page on facebook. I think we would just need to keep some online monitors on there to watch the page if some one decides to get stupid..

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