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A reminder

White Fox

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Folks. I just wanted to give everyone a reminder here. With our new dedicated server with so much more space, our costs unfortunately went somewhat through the roof too. This place does cost a lot to run, and FrBrGr, AK, and White cannot do it all. We need your help from time to time.


For the benefit of new folks here especially, don't be afraid if you can only save enough to give us $10. That is something like three little pennies per day for a year. Those three pennies go a long way to help us. If you can afford 10 or twenty pennies per day that is fantastic! But we understand that these are difficult times. It is not easy here to make expenses meet sometimes.


We try to remind people of this as seldom as possible. But, the reality is that we need a fair bit of money to pay expenses for this site from time to time. We will assure you though that NOT ONE LITTLE PENNY will ever go into the pocket of ANYONE here. Every cent you give goes to making this site a better place for everyone! Unlike most sites, we do not have a paid owner or administrator, etc.


Lastly, as mentioned recently we hope that you love this little place, but if you ever have any suggestions we do hope that you will let us know about them. Our goal as always is to improve it to make it feel even more like home.


Thanks to everyone for making this such a great place! And once again a huge vote of Thanks to everyone who has helped us with expenses in the past. This means so much to all of us! And please remember to give us a donaton when you can, be it a large one or a small.


White Fox.

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I doubt there are many who have any idea of the time the admins spend here, or how hard they work to the find the very best values and service for us.


Also, not one penny of our funds goes to anything but the site costs.


I am so proud to work with the staff here.


Thank you to all who have contributed, and to those of you who will.


Like WF said, even $10 donations add up.


We do appreciate your support which allows us to stay on the Internet.





In memory of JG

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Just click on 'sponsorship' located in the upper left corner of the page - it's right under the number of your new messages. Once you get to the sponsorship page, there are 'click to donate HERE' buttons at the top or bottom of the page.


Or, for simplicity's sake, just click on this link http://thefurden.com/fdwiki/?n=FD.Sponsorship , then click on 'HERE' and you're off and running!



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We're not a a commercial website nor do we want to be. As much as we need money to "stay on the air," so to speak, we're don't want to make money. We only need to pay the bills and, hopefully, have a little left over as savings to pay for unforeseen expenses.


One of the things that is important to us is that we are a gathering place for people to talk about things related to fur and that nobody negatively judges others because of it. Using this website to make a profit would cloud that portion of our mission statement.


People don't need to give large amounts of money if they can't afford it. A few dollars from any willing individual is all that is needed. I would much rather have one hundred people give a dollar than to have one person give a hundred dollars. Broad-based support is much more desirable.


If a person can't give money, maybe he could help in other ways. If one is technically minded, maybe he could help organize the photo gallery or build pages in the library wiki. We have some people who are really good at finding new pictures on the internet. Samurman is one person who comes to mind. He has amazing powers of "Google-Fu!"


If you can't do any of those things, you could simply participate in the forums and keep the discussion going. We have a LOT of people who visit the fur den who don't participate very often. We like that. That means we have presence on the internet and we don't mind being a secret little corner of the internet where people go to quietly pass a little time. However, we need a few people who are willing to welcome new members and talk about things so that they will be more comfortable with their feelings about fur and talking to others who love fur.


Just having a "welcoming committee" is important. That, by itself, might help bring us new members who can afford to pitch in a dollar or two.

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