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dry cleaning faux fur ?


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hey guys,


my faux fur coat i have is from the olyimpia faux fur label and i have not found one tag on there about being able to have it dry cleaned. is this possible for a faux fur coat??? its the mahogony mink faux fur bomber zippered jacket i have that im talking about.. can I just take it down to a local dry cleaner and have it done that way??



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I've always wondered the same thing on this. I wonder if you could ask the dry cleaner to just clean a little bit under the collar or something first off to see how that worked. Show it to you before they did the rest. Would be nice if you could find "Olympia" web site on the net but I've noticed that most of this sort of companies are just style names for larger companies and there is seldom a web reference to those names. You might try though, and if you found a link just ask them to confirm and mention why you are a bit skeptical. In other words, that you kn ow what you are talking about.



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It really depends on what the fur and the underlying fabric are made of.


I know Teddy Bears and plush fabrics fairly well, so let's take it from there.


If the plush (faux fur) is made of anything natural, such as mohair or sheep's wool, you should not soak it with anything. Surface clean only.

That means you take a damp cloth and some neutral detergent such as Castile soap or "Woolite" detergent and wipe clean. DO NOT soak the fabric with any liquid. Doing so will probably mess it up.


If the plush/faux is made from synthetics with a natural substrate like cotton, again, surface clean only.


If the plush is made from synthetic with synthetic backing, you MIGHT be able to wash or dry clean, depending on what the material is made from. You need to check on an inconspicuous part of the fabric to see if it holds up.


Regardless of the fabric or cleaning method, dry slowly with lots of air flow. A clothes line outdoors or in a ventilated room will work. Let the air flow through it. Let it get good and dry. When it's dry take a soft brush and brush up the nap of the fur until it is soft and fluffy again. Use a soft brush like the kind used to brush a baby's hair. If you go to a Teddy Bear store, you can buy a special brush used for Bear fur. Regardless of the type of brush, don't use it on your own hair. Use only for fur.


Carefully brush using short strokes and fluff up the fur. When you are done, give it a quick check to be sure it's nicely fluffed and you should be done.


Some synthetics you CAN wash in the wash machine and dry in the clothes dryer on LOW heat. Other fabrics, you can not get wet at all.


Again, it all depends on what it's made from.

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I've got a couple of faux furs. The cleaning instructions on the label say to machine wash cold gentle, tumble dry - no heat. Those instructions have worked very well!



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  • 3 weeks later...

hey White Fox,


the dry cleaning for my Faux Fur coat worked just fine. I think just as long as the label under the collar where the label say it can be dry cleaned it should work fine for ya.




feels soo good to have my fur coat back now..

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feels soo good to havemy fur back now. i wore it for the first in quite a long time. its cold where im at. not as much as other places but its cold enough right now that i need my fur for keeping warm. thanks your help white fox. i was suprised to that faux fur can be dry cleaned. the local dry cleaners didnt give me any problems at all what so ever so I was happy with that.




the one thats in my display pic is the one im talking about...

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