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What kind of fox is this?


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Well, it could be silver fox with oxidation, as black/brown furs do get reddish hue to them with age.... or it could be a genetic variation that didn't find its place in the market full time.


My guess would be more along the oxidation line though, and that sorta gives an idea of a) age and b) upkeep/cleaning/storage in summer.



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First, I would say it is way overdue for a cleaning and glazing.


It looks like an unusual cross-breed of fox - one I am totally unfamiliar with. There are a dozen or so semi-standard cross-breeds of fox in addition to the basic original breeds and the dyed variants.


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My opinion on this was like Mr B, and AK. I think that if it was cleaned, it would look a whole lot different than it does in that photo.




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Cleaning and glazing would fluff up the fur, but NOT change the color. If it is an older fur that has oxidized that could account for some of the color, but darker furs usually do not have much of a color shift as they age.

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Thanks everybody for your answers, really appreciate it!


I have asked the owner more about the age and condition of the coat and hopefully I'll get some more pictures as well, so maybe I'll get back to you for more advice.


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