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White Fox

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Hey folks, we now have about ten times the space we had before. So feel free to post away in the Gallery.


We are free of our chains again!



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I don't know about you guys but the forums have become very fast since the switchover!


Ah! The joys of having our own server that we don't have to share with others who slow us down!

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Worker you are absolutely right. I had not noticed that until you mentioned it. Amazing that I hadn't. But I just had not had time to come in to try things out.


We've come a long, long way from the days that we decided to upgrade to the newer PhP Forums layout here haven't we. I'll never forget what we went through trying to fix that!



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They seem faster to me as well.


A big thanks to everyone involved for all the hard work you guys do to keep this place running smoothly. " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" />

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I didn't really notice the speed here in the forums. However, it's friggin' amazing going from photo to photo in the gallery!




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