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paypal? bank transfer?


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i've got a customer from russian,

but i've got no paypal.

we do always ask customers to pay by bank transfer.

because if we use paypal, we need to pay for 35$ more to take the money out.

but is seems that some new customers like paypal more.


what's wrong??

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Bank transfers are inherently risky.

The sender has no way to know where the money is going and no guarantee that he'll get his goods because bank transfers are often untraceable. That is why so many scammers and thieves use bank transfers.


No form of electronic money transfer is 100% safe all the time but, with PayPal, there is a certain amount of assurance that the customer will receive his goods and, if he doesn't, there is a better chance to trace where the money went and get it back.


But the main reason is because of brand recognition. People recognize the name "PayPal." They are not familiar with direct bank transfers. People will trust the things they know.


That's just the way people think.

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I'd suggest that you set up a paypal account. Worker is right - bank money transfers are a scammer's and criminal's best friend. I'd like to think that all of our members are internet-savvy enough to know that they should be avoided at all costs. Stick with paypal.



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One advantage with PayPal in International transactions is the monetary exchange rates.


With PayPal this is done automatically without an extra charge as often is the case with other transfer systems.



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PayPal does charge currency conversion fees, but at a slightly lower rate than credit card companies do. PayPal charges the receiver rather than the sender.

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Unfortunately, that is the downside of PayPal. They always get their cut.


On the other hand, they are usually fairly up front about their fees.

With credit card companies, they don't always tell you what their fees are. Plus they charge interest.


Now, I'm not saying that they shouldn't charge fees and interest. Of course, a company should get a fee for services rendered. It's only fair. I'm just saying that they aren't always clear about what their fees and interest charges are, nor do they even tell you that they charge a fee for certain things unless you read the 1,000 page agreement printed in 0.68 point type.


At least, with PayPal, you have a better chance of knowing what you're in for before you get involved.

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thanks for you guys' help.

i've take a bank account ,and i'll use paypal these days.


ps:paypal charge 3% of the goods and if i wanna to take the money

out, i need pay for 35$ more per time.


that's all.

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twzyyb060401, There is one more reason people are more comfortable with PayPal as compared to direct bank transfer: They are using their CREDIT cards, which means they are spending money they have not yet earned but are thinking (or HOPING) that they will earn. With direct bank transfer, the money has to be in the bank already, which means it is a tougher decision. You might say IN THE END, all credit must be paid back, but then, customers are human beings and humans are pretty good at being optimistic about future. After all, the whole capitalist system is based on the premise that the future will be better than the present, so spend spend spend!


As for the paypal costs, just include them in the prices you give to your customers, but don't tell them you are charging extra for paypal. So instead of selling a rabbit fur vest for, say 250USD, tell them it is 285USD. Better still, hire a nice looking model and a professional photographer, take lots of stylish, fashionable pictures, and create an impression in the eyes of your customers that they are NOT buying some cheap Chinese made items, but DESIGNER quality, high fashion furs. Spend some money on advertising. Offer the customers no questions asked 30-day return guarantee (It will cost you, but you can always pass these costs on to your customers). Let's say the cost of all these extra efforts (model, photographer, printer, advertisement) costs you 15USD per item (You will hire one model and photographer for a few days and take photos of all your products once, so the cost per item will be much lower). You can then sell those vests at 300USD and still make profit, but you will quickly realise that you will be selling a lot more of those vests (hence higher volume of sales) and more importantly, you CAN CHARGE your customers even higher prices per item (hence higher profit margins). You are still selling the exact same quality of vests. Before, you were charging 250USD per vest, it was a very good price, but you could only accept direct bank transfer. This way, you could sell, say, 50 vests per month. Now, you are charging 350-400USD per vest, it is still a good price, but you are offering your customers the chance to pay by PayPal, you are selling them not just a commodity, but a lifestyle, a must-have fashion item. And you are selling 150-200 vests per month. And making loads more money.


Welcome to the world of capitalism!

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Actually as a buyer you can set up your PayPal account so the money comes from a Debit Card or from your checking account.


I prefer doing this since I don't like using credit cards.



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samurman, you offered a so wonderful suggestion!!

next year,in the spring,we will take part in Beijing garment Fashion Show,

and we will do what you suggested.

thanks so much!


Moderator, thanks for you help.i'll do what you told me to check out.

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If I own a movie theater and all the movies cost $9.00 per ticket then the cost of electricity goes up I will probably have to raise prices to cover the cost. Right?


Do I raise the price of some movies but not others?

Some movies are longer than others. Yes?

Longer movies use more electricity. Don't they?

I could raise the price of every movie that is longer than 90 minutes by $1.00. Then I'll sell some tickets for $9.00 and some for $10.00. Then I will be able to pay my electric bills and still make a profit.


Of course, that logic is absurd! No business man would do that! He'd get run out of town on a rail!


But, what if he raised the price of EVERY movie by 25 cents?

He'd collect a little bit more money from every ticket sold and he'd make enough money to cover his expense.


So... A business man who incurs an expense because he has to pay a $30.00 fee to PayPal MIGHT raise the price of goods sold via PayPal by $30.00 or he could raise the price of everything he sold by $10.00.

He'd cover his expenses over the long haul but no individual buyer would have to bear all the costs.


You get paid. People get their goods. PayPal gets their fee. Everybody is happy!

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I had a fur store on eBay for several years and swear by eBay and PayPal. They were worth every penny. You have to own a brick-and-Mortar store to comprehend what they do for you. Best dollars I ever spent. They were very good to me and I was just a Silver account with them.


I was set up for Bank Transfers, but never used the feature. (Most savvy buyers are already set up with PayPal.) I did have two bank accounts for fraud protection. One to receive wire transfers, which was immediately clear to my main account. That way if someone got the info to commit fraud, they could not access my money since there was less than $10 left in that account.


The bank is actually the one who had me set it up. With the money I was moving through there, and doing business in 14 countries, they felt it was just a matter of time. ...but, I never had a problem.


I actually caution people when they use debit cards tied to their main accounts. Misuse could access a very large amount of cash, with limited protection.



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