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Offer/opportunity for UK fur pic collector/scanner


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Attention: this is a message primarily for UK-based fur fans - and specifically those with enough time, privacy and availability to travel.


I'm having a bit of a clear-out of my flat before I move at the end of October (2010). I have a box of fur photos/cuttings from fashion magazines, newspapers and some adult titles which I won't be planning to take with me - but may be of interest for people who collect such things or have the time/privacy/desire to scan such things for wider use.


It's about 1.5 to 2 cubic feet packed full of cuttings and far too heavy to send anywhere, unless someone really wants to pay for the postage if I can even get a quote for it. And I'm very busy with things here I won't be able to personally deliver it to anyone. But this is a freebie, not a sale or auction and no costs spent or profits made excluding your own collection/delivery time/cost.


So - if any of you are interested in such a collection of cuttings and images and can travel under your own steam to the Brighton area (ideally driving) to collect them then please send me an email for more information or details.


I won't have time to answer lots of detailed questions in forum messages or PMs. Also it won't quite be on a first-come-first-served basis; while I don't have too long to wait until I move, I will give some preference to those I already know well and would have the ability to scan or share them with others (rather than just horde them privately).


Any takers? The clock is ticking!



Mr Mockle

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