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Brandy in the Gallery


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Hi Guys...


Every friday I perform my ' Friday update' and I notice that I am starting to show up pretty heavily in the gallery...


On average I give the fur den at least 10 photos every week and that is making a huge difference to how the Gallery is looking.... I am sure there must be well o ver 600 photos of me...and they are all pretty recent..so I was wondering if the new people who start to view the gallery are getting bored of seeing my images and my furs everywhere... you have to search up to about pages 40+ to find other images...


Should I stop posting so many photos...?


or should we look to make a new section in the gallery called ' brandy's erotic images' or something..?


If we have a new section.. then other people will be able to browse the erotic gallery without having to wade ' waist-high' through brandy images...


what are you thoughts....?


I am mainly concerned over just the issue of newbies... being put off by my ' over- presence' in the gallery???



you thoughts please..






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Hi Guys...


Every friday I perform my ' Friday update' and I notice that I am starting to show up pretty heavily in the gallery...




Should I stop posting so many photos...?


Nooo! I love your photos and appreciate your efforts in posting them to the Den's Gallery. Please keep up your great work!


or should we look to make a new section in the gallery called ' brandy's erotic images' or something..?


If we have a new section.. then other people will be able to browse the erotic gallery without having to wade ' waist-high' through brandy images...


what are you thoughts....?


That's a great idea. I'm sure mods will consider your suggestion.


I am mainly concerned over just the issue of newbies... being put off by my ' over- presence' in the gallery???



you thoughts please..







You mean newbies as admirers of your beauty in fur, or newbies as other gals who might fancy posting their photos and getting into a "competition" with you?!

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I would welcome any other girls who would like to post their photos in the gallery.. that would make it seem a liitle less ' brandy heavy.'.. I just don't want anyone thinking that ' all' the fur den has is photos of me..!

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Admin note...


No problem at all making a separate album for this. However, like you, would like to see what ideas others have. It is always so hard to draw responses this time of year.



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Of course White Fox..


That is why I asked it here and not in my furry playroom.. I wanted to see what the ' masses' felt..not just the few..

so it will be interesting to get the feedback...


if the members don't see it as being a hassle to wade through my material..then that is great for all as nothing has to be done by any Mod...


But I am a little worried that I am over filling the bank..ha ha ha


mind you..when I get old and retire from this modelling lark..the fur den will probably have the biggest collection of antique Brandy fur shots anywhere on the web...


it will be worth a fortune.. ha ha





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I for one would like to read some additional opinions on this topic.

Denizens, this is an opportunity for you to influence what we, the staff, do or don't do.


There are basically 3 options:

  1. Do nothing. The Gallery would continue to have just one album for "Fur Fetish (erotic)" images.
  2. Add a second "Fur Fetish" album in the "Fur Images" category so we would have albums titled Fur Fetish - Brandy and Fur Fetish - not Brandy (or something similar).
  3. Add a sub-category for "Fur Fetish (erotic)" with 2 albums - Brandy-uk and Other Fur Fetish images (or something similar).

If you have ideas for additional options I have not considered, please let us know in your reply.

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it will be worth a fortune.. ha ha


It's already worth a fortune.


I sometimes get tired of the number of repeat photos that appear. I think this probably comes from people new to the Den that have already been searching the 'net and have their own collection of images and are eager to share.


When I go into the gallery, I usually look at all the photos up to when I was last there (every picture says a thousand words, man I read a lot!), so when repeats occur I tend to get a bit confused as to whether I've seen that instance of the picture or an earlier post.


Please keep doing these photos and post where ever the den sees fit as they are consistantly the best pics in the 'Den.

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I don't want to let this swing off topic here... However, I would just like to insert that if anyone sees repeats in the Gallery at any time, they can contact any Den staff member to have them deleted. OFF and Worker are the primary mods there, but others of us can work there as well.



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I would have to agree with Samurman, I look forward to your updates Brandy. It's a highlight of my week, to see what you have come up with and have decided to share with us. As for a "Brandy Section", I could see where that would have merit but it all comes down to opinion. I have been filtering through my own library, covering the last 12 years or so of "collecting" pictures from around the web and the world for that matter. I've asked about getting it shared to the Den's gallery and a separate section for all these images was proposed. I support either decision, to generate an area for Brandy or to leave things as they are. I've never had a problem with seeing Brandy..

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I like Brandy's pictures too.

They are varied and interesting. I like seeing different styles and settings.


I don't mind seeing them mixed in with the regular gallery and other stuff, even if there are a lot of them.


If other people want to have a separate gallery for Brandy's things that would be okay with me but I think it's better to mix everything up.

Variation is better. If you had to look at "Just Brandy" and "Just Everything Else" it would get boring really fast. People might spend all their time looking at one or the other and they would skip the rest. Mixing things together makes people have to hunt for things to see.


It's kind of like the way zookeepers have to hide the animals' food to keep them interested.


I like to eat raisins but I also like to eat peanuts.

I could fill a bowl full of raisins and another bowl full of peanuts but it would get boring pretty quickly. If I put all the raisins and peanuts in the same bowl and shook them up, it would be more interesting and fun to have a snack. I could reach in and grab a handful at any time but I never know exactly what I will get.


Maybe it would be neat to mix in some sunflower seeds or some pretzels. That might make it more appetizing but, any way you look at it, just having a bowl full of pretzels, for instance, would end up being unappetizing... way too much salt.


I think it's better to keep all the pictures mixed together. That way things are more interesting.


If somebody wants to see pictures of just Brandy, they can search the gallery and look for just the kind they want.

That's why we have those tags at the bottom of every entry. If somebody wants to search for just "movies" or just "Marylin Monroe" they can do that. If they want to see just "Brandy" they can do that.


So, I guess if I'm advocating any kind of change in the way things are done it would be for people to pay more attention to the tags and the categories that they put their pictures into rather than classifying them into more albums. I think the number of albums we have are good. If we tagged our images better it would be easier for people to find things within the galleries.


How many times have you taken a handful of party mix from the bowl then eaten all the peanuts first?

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If you want to see "Just Brandy" you can go to the 'Search' function in The Gallery and cal up just Brandy.


That's easily accomplished without any changes.


In fact the "Search" function is probably infrequently used.


That is one reason I try to get everyone to always list the type of fur in every picture. You can call up any type of fur and get a huge amount of pictures of the single fur type. Except maybe for Skunk and Monkey


Also any model or celeb can be called up by name.



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