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Fur Country Helena MT


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Thinking of transferring there. Bet I could wear furs every day for four months!!


...anyone been there? Googled and did some research, seems great.



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I only passed through there one January years ago. At the particular time I passed through with a few friends the skies were bright blue (Big Sky Country), the sun was shining, there was no wind and the temps were -25F in the day time. It got down to about -40 in the evening. To SURVIVE, you'd be wearing fur. Lots of THICK LONG FUR.


Whole new mindset though. Instead of worrying about hurricaines from August to October, you'd be worrying about forgetting to plug in your car so the engine block doesn't freeze over night. You would need two sets of wheels and tires. Studded tires for the winter, then summer tires. I lived in Syracuse for a while (shouldn't have left, great fur climate). The roads are salted in Syracuse. I don't know if they do that in MT, but the salt simply tears up a car. In Syracuse the locals used to say a car had "cancer" when it was rusting out. This is a built in expense. Many folks bought "winter rats", cars they didn't care about and would just let them rust out. Then they would drive their nice cars in the spring (after the salt was washed away) into the fall. I couldn't afford that, I worked at Syracuse University as an assistant prrofessor...crappy pay. At any rate, see if they salt the roads. Ny guess is "NO" as I recall driving on ice while in MT. Studded tires are AMAZING!


I did see a guy running in -25, so it would be fur heaven! You'd definitely need two sets of clothes.


What's in Helena anyway? I know it's the capitol on MT. Beautiful country!


Good luck!



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I love Montana


I live in Washington State but a lot of folks I know either have a place in MT or vacation there often.


Missoula is one of the most beautiful places on earth


I could come visit



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That would be great OFF! Premature right now. I am already looking for a new ski outfit or two!! Thank goodness I kept all my Michigan clothes. (And, of course my furs and fur boots!! )


I tried for the longest to find a position in Asheville, NC. Just too popular. This one came up and I, like many others have applied. Also applied in Cleveland, Chicago, St Petersburg, FL, Atlanta and a higher grade position here in Orlando. It could take months to find out though. Just want to be settled before Winter sets in.


One thing is for certain, I have been here long enough, I either have to move or clean my closets and paint!!


Have to admit, I like Florida. A lot!!

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Closest I have been is southern Idaho - Beautiful area.


Quick check on weather.com indicated the Helena area is colder than where I live so I think the "fur season" would be at least 4 months ... Perhaps longer.


Good luck!


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...think I have watched too many Big Sky promotions. Checked further. I believe could wear furs 10 months out of the year. That I could live with. What would be very hard on me is the number of cloudy days. Lets put it this way: For 6 to 8 months you may get 5 days a month where you see the sun. At least from my assessment of the information. I think I need to just accept Colorado or Asheville, NC are my choices and if it happens, that will be good.

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A disadvantage of the cold climate locations is that a lot of them are warm climate locations too.


Yep, they can get to like 25 or 30 degrees C one day. And two days later it might be closer to minus 25 than plus. You can get such violent swings there.


Hey Linda I know where you could get a job in a wood shop. Pay not worth a dam though!



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Having worked on environmental clean ups in railyards in MT and WY, I can vouch for it getting very cold there - and windy! Fur would be perfect for both warmth and breaking the wind. No wonder so many ranchers and outdoor folks wear furs there (mostly shearling but also a healthy sprinkling of coyote).

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  • 1 month later...

Linda! Please move to Colorado. I moved here from Chicago. You would love it up in the mountians! Orlando is not a place to wear furs! LOL! You still married and selling furs. I have been off here for a long time.



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You mention you have been away from here for a long period. That means you were a member in the past under another name.


Just wanted to say a hardy "Welcome Back!"


If you would like help in getting back using your old name let us know.


I'll let Linda answer the questions. She comes frequently so should see it soon.

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Just got back from Colorado - it's still in the 80s and 90s in the Front Range. I just can't see Linda becoming a hermit and living wayyyyyyyyy up in the mountains!



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Linda! Please move to Colorado. I moved here from Chicago. You would love it up in the mountians! Orlando is not a place to wear furs! LOL! You still married and selling furs. I have been off here for a long time.




Hi Joe! What was your former name here? There are several Joe's here. Glad you are back.


Am I still selling furs? No. Married? No, but we are seeing each other again. (Does that sound as silly to you as it does to me? ..sounds like High School!)


Montana is a no. Thought it was going to be Upper Valley, Vermont last week. Colorado still very possible. Who knows where I will end up.


Orlando is actually better for furs than I could ever have imagined! Last winter was very cold. I wore my fur vest for almost 2 months and my fur jackets the same. Carried then out on the way home, but it was in the 20's for a while. Wish I could wear them at work during the summer! They keep it so cold I freeze to death! Lots of computers, at least that is their excuse.



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Just got back from Colorado - it's still in the 80s and 90s in the Front Range. I just can't see Linda becoming a hermit and living wayyyyyyyyy up in the mountains!





FL, me either!!

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Just think. You would not even have to worry about closing the outhouse door up there in those mountains.


But hey, you could wear fur when you walk out in the woods. And I've alway found it works great to cover it with snow.



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