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Poll: Fur Lovers, Do You Have Pets?


Fur Lover, Do You Have Pets?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Fur Lover, Do You Have Pets?

    • Yes, and I consider them part of the family.
    • Yes, but roommate's/significant other's and I'm not fond of them.
    • No, but I would love to if circumstances allowed.
    • No, I do not like pets.

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I have noticed numerous photos of women (and a few men) wearing furs while holding pets (usually cats or dogs) or walking them. This seems to fly in the face of the popular view that fur wearers are heartless animal haters.


I know there have been some threads in the past that have referenced pets, but no polls (at least that turned up during my search). So, during this slow period, thought I'd try my first ever poll. I listed 4 options (basically 1) own and love pets, 2) live with pets but would prefer not to, 3) don't own pets but would if could, and 4) don't like pets) ... If other relevant options come to mind (or existing options could be more clearly stated), let me know and I'll see if I can update the options.


I'll vote first (naturally ... confirming poll works). And will post a relevant comment afterward (feel free to do the same if the spirit moves you).


Posting this in the Den versus the Pub, as (at least I think) the topic is fur relevant and more people frequent the Den than the Pub.


New members ... Consider this an opportunity to become an active Denizen.


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Poll works! (With technically inept me you never know.)


I own two cats. (Most days it feels like they own me.)


I like cats and dogs, but cats are lower maintenance (none of that daily walk and picking up solid waste from the pavement or grass stuff).


For awhile, I tried to reconcile my love of pets and animals in general (I have stood and watched a squirrel go about its business for over 5 minutes before) with my love of furs. Over time, I've come to accept it as part of my personality and it does not keep me up at night any more. I've moved it from my "moral conflict" to my "circle of life" file.



P.S. This is my first poll. Somebody else please vote!

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He has me well trained now.


Love it. My oldest has me well trained as well. She rules the household ... Her younger sister and I are at her beck and call.


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I do not currentlt have pets, as we are renting in the city and it's not possible. I did however used to, having a family dog - English Springer spaniel called Hector when I grew up, and when I lived in the UK before moving to Australia, I had a Staffy called Theo. I took him in when some neighbours seperated and could no longer keep him. They got him from the shelter, and were going to send him back there but I couldn't bare to see him go back to the shelter having sampled home life, so I took him in. Unfortunatly I had to re-home him when I emmigrated, but still miss him.


Our family dog Hector was such a part of the family, especially for me and mum. When Dad left and my brother and I left to go to university, he kept my mum company at home alone in the house. dogs become such a part of a family, and for many replace kids as easier to look after or if a couple is unable to have their own children a dog will give them someone to love together.

don't forget Snooopy!!

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Growing up, we had a regular zoo in the house, 3 german shepherds outside, 2 cats inside, 1 cockatiel and a 29 gallon freshwater aquarium. At this point in the game though, I am reduced to a 125 gallon marine aquarium (growing into a 250 gallon aquarium soon) and I'm looking forward to adding a german shepherd or lab pup to the mix after I move in the next few weeks.

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Poll is running ~80:20 pro pets ... Kinda in line with what I was expecting.


Good to see my first ever poll was not a total flop.


And, yes, one must never forget Snoopy.


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9 year old black lab named Apollo snoring on his bed next to mine as I type


My girls sleep with me as well ... The oldest at the head and the youngest at the foot of the bed most nights.


1800+ Denizens and only 20 votes (?!?). C'mon, guys n gals ... The poll's up for a couple more weeks -- Vote!


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I grew up with dogs. My dad bred and trained hunting dogs. My brother and I used to sleep in the puppy box when we were kids. Besides the hunting dogs we had a Schnauzer and a Labrador. Then there was a varied array of hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, iguanas, tropical fish. When I was very young, my dad had a python and a red tailed hawk.


I can't really have pets now. There isn't anybody home all day to take care of them. It wouldn't be fair to the animal to be left home alone all day.


Besides, Bears don't get along well with dogs and cats.


Maybe some day but not any time soon.

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I have always had cats while growing up and don't like to be without them. Dogs and other pets (we had a lamb when I was pre-school, he was pretty special), they have to be a special character to interest me, but I'm certianly not anti them.


One thing that crossed my mind while reading the posts here is that not only do I were fur but I also eat meat, however, (being a city boy) if I had to raise and then kill the animals for either food or fur I don't think I would be able to.

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One thing that crossed my mind while reading the posts here is that not only do I were fur but I also eat meat, however, (being a city boy) if I had to raise and then kill the animals for either food or fur I don't think I would be able to




It wouldn't be fair to the animal to be left home alone all day.


Agreed. I originally only had one cat and was working a lot and began feeling guilty about her being home alone so much ... So when she was ~18 months old I got her a companion/sister. Hindsight 20/20, I should have brought home not one but two cats from that barn.


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I never had a problem telling the difference between pets and food animals.


I used to go hunting with my dad when I was a kid. When I was too young to hunt I was in charge of taking care of the dogs. When I was old enough, I went hunting. In either case, we'd bring the day's take home and clean it. Cleaning birds and small game isn't pretty but it's not so terrible. The way I figure it's just nature.


I don't hunt very much today. Mostly a time issue. But, still, I have no problem going out and shooting dinner if I need to.

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I own a Rottweiler.


There is no morale connection between wearing fur and owning a dog, for me.

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My girls sleep with me as well ... The oldest at the head and the youngest at the foot of the bed most nights.


Sometimes Apollo tries to get in bed with me (When a scary thunderstorm rolls through) but he is too big!

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