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Furs spotted in Sydney


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Yes, Sydney in Australia. Contrary to popular belief, it does get cold here. It was only 2 deg in the west city this morning, and only got up to 16 deg today. The water is warmer than the air at the moment, with the ski fields opening this long weekend. Canberra is forcast for a low of -3 tomorrow. I work near the Opera house, and there was a concert on at 11am this morning. Being a cold clear day, there were many fur trims around, as there are all around the city, but to my surprise, I saw two good quality mink coats walk by (not by them selves!) I don't remember the last time I saw a full fur coat or jacket in Sydney, apart from maybe a vintage rabbit fur last year.


Since moving to Australia 2 years ago, the fur spottings have dramatically fallen, but good to see some people are still out there wearing furs.



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Wentto the pub for a beer and dinner last night with mates, and to my surprise, there was a lady wearing a racoon or fox knitted vest. The table behind her was free, so naturaly I chose that table to sit at! She was a yummy mummy, out with her husband and 3 kids, good looking, blonde hair loosly falling over her shoulders etc, and she had accesorised with a big rabbit fur handbag!

After they left, an older couple came in, the lady wearing a multi-coloured fox jacket, the ones made from scraps you know?. She was a bit older and rougher round the edges, but she hung her coat on the back of the chair, and it looked great.

Also, there was a younger (mid 20's) girl out with her mates, wearing a nice but fake big fluffy bolero style jacket, with long arms and short body, black and white coloured. A bit llike a fake chincilla.


All in all, a good day for furs!


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haha one minutes your saying how rare fur sightings are in Sydney then you come back with three more! awesome!

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That is exactly the kind of news that is fantastic for the fur industry. Just the other day here too when it was cool but far from cold, I saw a very attractive young woman in maybe the mid twenties wearing a very short "fur jacket". I didn't have time to get close and look at it to see if it was real or fake.


For you to begin to see fur at that rate there is such a great change indeed!



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Way to go fur999.....did see a mink jacket in the town of Bowral 1hour south of Sydney and a little higher in elevation a week ago, but fur sightings were more common in Melbourne.


Good to hear, keep spotting....will try and be more observant in future



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  • 2 weeks later...


Imagine my suprise as I was walking home from work in the pouring rain through the cold wet streets of Sydney (Lime Street to be precise) in my scruffy work clothes and I see a full skin blue fox fur rug hanging in the window of a shop.


It is a shop that I have been in before, selling sheep skin and alpaca rugs aimed entirely at Asian tourists. There is always a tour bus outside, and the sign says 'Tax free gifts" (you can claim the tax back when leaving the country on most things over $300). Naturally I had to go and look, so I fought my way through all the short Asian people yapping in Japanese to have a look at the rug hanging in the window.


The one on display was a full skin blue fox, but on the shop floor was a 'off cuts' blue fox double bed size rug/throw. I thought that the one NOT made from full skins would be cheaper, and as the one in the window did not have a price on it I looked at the label on the rug made from off cuts, or small parts of pelts sewn together.


I nearly fell over when I turned over the label -AU$39,000!!!! I counted the 0's again, thinking it might actually be $3,900, but there were definatly three 0's.

Seeing as I had got a qoute last year from a furrier in Brisbane for a double sized arctic fox rug, custom made for $5000, I thought they were a little over priced. Good to see fur in Sydney still tho. They also had a few mink shrugs and wraps.

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Too bad to have it in the window like that. In no time flat it will be no good at all.


As you say, that is a tad expensive.



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