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A beautiful ending to a great time of year.

White Fox

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It is so interesting. Ten days ago I was certain that the fur year was ended! Kind of disappointing. Then, suddenly I saw a cold front coming. And looked at some temps further north and suddenly saw minus 8! Bingo I thought! Could it possibly actually happen? Generally those come down as those nights get closer this time of year. But instead they went to minus 12 and minus 14 degrees C. Wow! So, a planned trip was in order. Big time. I mean BIG TIME!


The last two days have been so fantastic. I visited a store and saw a fantastic fox coat! Just want to think of what I would get into having it altered, etc. I have went into a large restaurant two nights in a row wearing fur. I've indeed spent most of the day for two days in a row in fur. Even visiting a furrier I had never visited before today in my white mink and fox.


The best part tonight was a two hour walk I took. I am in our nation's capital, and took the time to go out and look at our parliament buildings. All of the statures and such. An RCMP officer who was on guard saw my coat and came over to talk for what must have been close to a half hour total. I took a tour through the local "swank hotel". All this in white mink and white fox!


When I think of nights like this I realize how unfortunate it is that some folks here who want to wear fur have not yet had their chance. But don't worry guys. It will come. But when it does don't pass it up. These are experiences you will remember for years! Just one thing. Remember not to "get caught" by the wrong people and have to pay for the rest of your life. Wait til you can let everyone know and take you as a fur lover.


What a beautiful ending to a great fur wearing year. Tomorrow will be likely too warm for fur while I return home. I doubt I will be wearing it again this year. But now I am happy. OH, I am So, So! HAPPY!!!!!!!


White fox

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...yes, but a wonderful year always comes with a bit of sadness. My better furs went back to the furrier in St Petersburg for their summer vacation. But at least I went up early enough to learn that yesterday's St Petersburg Indy-car Grand Prix was rescheduled for this morning due to rain - and that admission was FREE today! That took the edge off... for me anyway!



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Last week, it got cold enough to wear fur again for a couple of days. But now the cold has passed and the rain has set in.


Not that the rain will stop me from wearing fur. I can always wear it around the house.... and I do.

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The last two days have been so fantastic. I visited a store and saw a fantastic fox coat! Just want to think of what I would get into having it altered, etc. I have went into a large restaurant two nights in a row wearing fur. I've indeed spent most of the day for two days in a row in fur. Even visiting a furrier I had never visited before today in my white mink and fox.


Cool beans!


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Awesome! sadly furwearing season is far over down here in Texas, but we have our occasional cold fronts that i try to take advantage of!

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My better furs went back to the furrier in St Petersburg for their summer vacation.


I plan to take my "heavy" furs (silver fox, crystal fox, coyote) in for storage this weekend. By ~5/8 they'll likely all be stored and separation anxiety will ensue.

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