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Questions to Mr. Mockle


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It would be very interresting to know how does a photo shoot works? I dont have a clue on this subject. But if one day you feel like ansering my questions, I'm sure other members would benefit from it.

For instance:

-Who chooses the ladies?

-Are they all fur lovers? Or they do it dor the money only?

-When its the day of the shoot, do you tell them what to wear before the shoot, or they work with their own outfits?

-Do you tell them how to have their hair done (exemple, long, tid, ponytails, etc)?

-During the shoot, do you tell them what pauses to have?

-During the shoot do you choose witch fur they will have pictures with?

-Do you let them have any position they choose?

-If one is posing nude, is it your decision or hers?


I think you get the picture! Anyway, I would like from you to answer these questions, so that a non-initiated person like me could understand the underworld of a photoshoot.


Thank you very much and keep on for another 10 years or more!



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Furslave, and all,


If you check on my website I have given some detials of my shoots within the History & Origin and the Here & Now pages. I have also written some information for the Wiki pages here although one of the Mods might be able to point interested people to it. But I can answer your specific questions briefly.


-Who chooses the ladies?


I do although have taken some recommendations from other fur friends, models or studio owners. I started finding and hiring models through photography studios but these days there are also a number of model register and portfoilo websites, and of course plenty of models have their own portfolio sites too.


-Are they all fur lovers? Or do they do it for the money only?


Depends how you define "fur lover" but nearly all of the models have been professional models and I have paid them for their time and efforts. I do check that they are happy to wear, pose and be published online in furs before each shoot (often getting signed release forms from them) and some of the models have owned or worn furs before we first work, or end up buying and wearing furs after shoots. But by and large they don't model just for the love of fur or for free.


-When its the day of the shoot, do you tell them what to wear before the shoot, or they work with their own outfits?

-During the shoot do you choose witch fur they will have pictures with?


In the planning and preparation for each shoot I give the models ideas of the sort of looks I want to get from the shoot with some outfit ideas. I of course provide the furs (alone or with other fur fans) but rely on the models bringing their own outfits, lingerie, hosiery, footwear and accessories based on my ideas and their own judgement. Usually they have had plenty of suitable things to pose in though. Choosing the furs to match with the outfits depend on what combinations are available on the day; as the model will have a variety of outfits I/we will have a selection of furs to choose from so we can mix and match.


-Do you tell them how to have their hair done (exemple, long, tid, ponytails, etc)?


Hair and make-up I generally leave to the models to do with some discussion and suggestions. Most models can happily do their own make-up and hair so as yet I've yet to consider hiring a specific make-up or hair artist for a shoot, but may think about this for the future.


-During the shoot, do you tell them what pauses to have?

-Do you let them have any position they choose?


Its a mixture of collective experience, discussion, trial and error. Experienced models have a good idea of what poses work for them and in general and click into them quite naturally but again you discuss the nature of the shoot and indeed between each shot can suggest or direct them for different poses. The trial and error comes as what might work at the time may not work on review when going over the pics after the shoot; I may take 300-700 separate shots per shoot and only post the best ones.


-If one is posing nude, is it your decision or hers?

I'd suggest that as a photographer you don't go nude on set - that might not go down well and led to a very abrupt end to the session! Assuming you mean the model though, you should agree what level the shoot is to go to in the planning and before the day as a model's rates are likely to vary depending on the level of nudity or any more adult actions/activities. And every model has their own limits too so some will only do fashion, clothed glamour or lingerie, some only topless or artistic/figure nude, and then there are various levels of nudity, fetish and adult action levels beyond that. And just because you have seen a model pose or perform in a certain way before that does not mean they will pose/perform like that for you. Make sure you agree the level of the shoot beforehand and then if you find that you don't want to need to go that far on the day then stick with what you have.


I would add a couple of key points too which again I define elsewhere. Remember to be honest and open in your dealings with models and studios; make sure everyone knows and is happy with the content of each shoot well before the day itself and what you will be doing with the end material (images or videos). The modelling and studio circles are a fairly small community and if you want to do such shoots regularly it will help to build up a good reputation. Anyone who mucks models or studios about is unlikley to get repeat business from those they've affected or even from other models/studios they talk too; conversely if you are professional, friendly, show integrity and the models and studios are pleased to work with you then they will welcome repeat business and often recommend you to others too.


Good luck and I'm happy to answer further such questions here or privately.



Mr Mockle

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Mr. Mockle,

I want to thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. These were only questions. I do not wish to do any photo shoots. But it was only my curious nature asking.


Again thank you and thanks to White fox for the link.

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