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Hello Everyone here at The Fur Den and Compliments of the season to all of you may 2010 be the best for us all

Just a question some time ago there used to be a Family that sold furs not sure if they were furriers but they just dissapeared does anyone have any clue as to what happened to SherrY Hicks of Hicks Furs she used to remodel 2nd hand furs into more fashionable items and even into Teddy bears i will be honest she was also very pleasing to the eye could someone share shed some light on this topic ?????


One more thing strange thing i came back a few months ago and had to open a whole new account because my password wasnt accepted no matter what i did was this all part of an upgrade maybe i missed something



Kind regards Sleeksilversly

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Sleek... Did you simply change your password, or did you start again to get a new "site name" and password. If you got a whole name and password, let me know.


If you give me a pm with your old name, I can help you out with getting the password problem straightened out.


As for Hicks. I did notice them go off the air a long while back. Maybe a year or more. Great if there phone is still active. It may be that they just gave up on internet sales and decided to go back to the standard ones.


Hope that helps.



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