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Story continuation.


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I finally found the time to finish a story and post it to Literotica.com. There are actually two parts to it but for some reason the second part isn't show up in the story search engine. I will post the link to the final installment as soon as it appears on their website.


In the meantime, please let me know what you think.



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It looks like I don't have permission to access this area. I know there are certain areas in TFD and MO'H that require a member to have a specific number of posts before he/she can contribute to those areas. Does the FF forum have similar restrictions?

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Yes, the info on how you enter is in the "Specialty Forums" area of our rules. You do qualify. I'll flip the switch for you in a bit here. If you look near the top you will see how to enter the stories area.



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Usually the mods do this. This place is so damned complicated... Been awhile since I did it.


Anyhow, I believe that you now can see the area. If you have any problems please let me know.



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The continuations to your story look good, at least from a quick read through- don't have time to properly be able to appreciate/enjoy them until I get back to days off (this early morning stuff drives me nuts sometimes ).

It's good to see you back and still writing...




p.s. WF (or other mod), would you mind checking and see if I qualify for the fur freaks section.

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