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Southern UK fur sightings - December 2009


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There have already been a few posts this winter talking about the rising popularity of furs on our streets, particulary within the UK, so as I did last year I intend to list some details of my best sights, observations and experiences of the winter.


Actually my fur spotting carried on sporadically throughout the summer and autumn with an occasional night time spot of young party goers out in coney jackets and some students out in vintage coney or even mink jackets on colder days. But during December the cold and snowy weather definitely brought more furs out in the Brighton area and in central London too. There were a few furs on show almost every day here on the coast and day trips to London's Oxford Street and Regent Street in the last two weeks revealled as many furs as in the first couple of months in the year with around 20-30 furs spotted per hour of shopping. My last trip in the post-Christmas London sales mostly revealed the expected range of older tourists in longer minks but the majority of the other sightings were of younger women in a range of vintage pieces: coneys mostly but a few musquashes, minks and even foxes.


Selected highlights from December so far were as follows.


Early December:

- A very pretty young English red-haired college girl in a brown coney jacket in Brighton. My passing compliment got a lovely smile and thanks back as she told me that she collected furs too.

- A charming middle aged Canadian black woman in a fawn mink belly jacket in Hove. I complimented her on her jacket and had a quick chat; she said she owned several furs but didn't wear many out here sadly.

- An older blonde woman in a grey mink jacket with her blonde daughter in a vintage musquash jacket walking through Victoria station. My compliments were greeted with lovely smiles and thanks.

- An older German blonde woman in a long black mink coat in Victoria station that same evening. My compliments led to another quick chat about her coat and the cold that night.

- A cute young English brunette woman in a short black coney jacket in Brighton. Another passing compliment and another smile and "Aw, thank you!" in response.


Pre-Christmas shopping:

- A glamourous Russian brunette woman in a brown sable jacket doing Christmas shopping in Selfridges on Oxford Street.

- An attractive middle aged blonde woman in a feathered silver fox jacket outside House Of Fraser on Oxford Street.

- A pretty young English blonde girl in a gorgeous vintage red fox jacket with her young English brunette friend in a vintage brown musquash jacket in Primark on Oxford Street.

- A middle aged blonde woman in a lovely red fox gillet, also in Primark on Oxford Street.

- A young English blonde girl in a vintage raccoon jacket in Oxford Street.

- A young English blonde woman in a short silver fox jacket rushing into Bond Street station.

- A young brunette woman in an afghan fox jacket waiting for a bus in Oxford Circus.

- A young brunette woman in a black mink jacket in Oxford Circus.

- A glamourous middle aged brunette woman in a lovely cream belted mink coat on Regent Street.

- A gorgeous Russian blonde woman in a lovely grey rex rabbit chinchilla coat in Selfridges on Oxford Street. Shame it wasn't a real chinchilla though!

- A middle aged blonde woman in a cream hooded mink coat in Victoria station.

- A pretty young Russian brunette woman in a gorgeous hooded black mink jacket at Brighton station.

- A young English brunette woman in a vintage blue fox jacket in Brighton mall.


Post-Christmas shopping:

- A gorgeous middle aged brunette woman in a black and brown chevron mink jacket in Selfridges on Oxford Street.

- A pretty young Russian blonde woman in a short blue fox jacket in Selfridges on Oxford Street.

- An older Italian blonde woman in a lovely golden island fox jacket on Regent Street.

- An older blonde woman in a golden mink coat on Oxford Street.

- A middle aged brunette woman in a black fox jacket in Selfridges on Oxford Street.

- A pretty young Japanese woman in a pink coney jacket on Regent Street.

- A glamourous middle aged brunette woman in a long black mink coat in Selfridges on Oxford Street.

- A pretty young black woman (with a bit of Naomi Campbell to her looks) in a black coney jacket on Oxford Street.

- A cute young English blonde girl in a black and tan coney jacket in The Lanes in Brighton.

- A pretty young brunette girl in a matching silver-grey coney hat and jacket in Brighton.

- A glamourous older blonde woman in a gorgeous lynx dyed fox jacket in Brighton Mall. I complimented her on her fur with a delightful smile and "thank you" in response.

- A young brunette woman in a feathered red fox gillet in Brighton mall.

- A cute young English brunette girl in a black coney jacket in Brighton mall.

- A older Russian blonde woman with her brunette daughter, both in matching black belted sheared mink jackets in Brighton mall.

- A pretty young English brunette woman in a cream musquash jacket in Brighton. Usual compliments and smiles/thanks.

- A pretty English blonde woman in a white leathered mink jacket in Brighton.

- A cute young English brunette woman in a vintage light brown mink coat in Brighton.


So far so very, very good this winter - and more cold and snow to come!



Mr Mockle

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F/L gotta agree with that. I've been there. Though one time I slept in a tent even further South than you are and it went down to something like 28 degrees F so I had everything I owned including fur in that tent with me! And I was as far South as you could go on mainland US.


Mr M indeed it is tremendous to hear of these excursions and sitings. Hard to believe how you could remember all of that. Hard to believe how many furs you see. We see so few here. Although have to admit that there are many, many more in places like Toronto, Ottawa, or Montreal. They are very common indeed there.


Hope to hear more soon.



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Just a few furs spotted in the last few days of 2009 from further travels - some that Ms Mockle joined me while wearing a long crystal fox jacket.


- A pretty young redhead woman in a brown vintage musquash jacket near Brighton Mall.

- An attractive young blonde woman in a natural coney jacket travelled by train from Balham to West Brompton.

- A young brunette woman in a lovely blue fox jacket at Milton Keynes station.

- A middle aged brunette woman in a red fox jacket in Victoria station.



Mr Mockle

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