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Opened Furlayers.com


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Hello friends fur,

I would like to inform you that it has launched a new site furfetish http://www.FurLayers.com. Finally, you have lived to see and now you can


already log in and download to own any of the content of our new place. We have pictures and videos of amateur girls who were


contacted, so that you could play in Furs.

We are looking forward to you and hope you will enjoy the content and also contribute their ideas and dreams for future content.

Updates will be conducted every 14 days - 2x a month.


First you see the contents proposed in February 14 February at St. Valentine's Day. Enjoy!


I wish you a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Vendy " title="Applause" />

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send me some photos of furs and then speaking to. How many coats you and what types of fur coats? You need to take a picture with all their fur coats? Photo of you and furs in the closet?


Thanks for your interest,






May I model for your site?

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My mom is getting me a rabbit coat for christmas (My current coat, a blue fox, is too small for me now.) When it comes I will take some pictures of me in it for you!

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If you were from the Czech Republic, it would certainly not agree with the problem




Ha! I wouldn't mind being one of the males in a couple of those videos. Awesome site vendy
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