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Fashion blogs: exploring new horizons


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Fellow denizens,


I have been following the online fur community for more than 10 years. Though I have learned so many things and got to know so many like minded fur lovers, I must sadly note that over the last few years, the sparkle of those early years have slowly faded away. Perhaps this is the natural course of things. Being a closed community by definition invites a degree of repetition, staleness, and even, inbreeding.


We have discussed this issue from various angles on several occasions and I don't want to get into those debates.


The reason I am writing this message is that I have recently been experimenting with opening up to the wider world and I would like to share with you some of my experiences. First, whenever a news story or magazine article discussing furs (and especially weighing in anti fur considerations), I would always jump up, vote, and post as many pro fur comments as I could. Then, I discovered fashion blogs. I have been following blogs on various topics at least since 2003, but I only recently discovered blogs devoted to fashion. It turns out that they frequently feature fur, as per the changes in fashion. I started writing encouraging comments to these blogs whenever they were not too judgmental against fur, and slowly I established some great contacts with thoughtful fashionistas. Most of these blogs are authored by the young and beautiful ladies in the 18-40 age range, and winning over them to fur is essential.


Now, the final phase of my attempts to open up to the world: I have recently started a blog devoted to my love of fur and fur fashion. And so far, the response has been great!


I suppose I have had my fair share of fur pictures and videos over the past 10 or more years, so I have decided to devote part of my daily online fur activities to my fur blog and to commenting on fur features in other fashion blogs. Not only it is quite enjoyable, it also means contributing to the cause of fur in a small way. The trick is not to take a strong pro fur position, and to kindly avoid the harsh, direct attacks. As long as you keep your civility, and restrict your comments to the esthetic aspects of fur, you will come across in a quite positive light.


I strongly advise you all to get engaged in the wider online community, and contribute to the pro fur cause, even if it means participating in online surveys, or writing positive comments. We have confined our energies for such a long time to the fur forums, now is the time to open up to the world.

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I strongly advise you all to get engaged in the wider online community, and contribute to the pro fur cause, even if it means participating in online surveys, or writing positive comments. We have confined our energies for such a long time to the fur forums, now is the time to open up to the world.


I couldn't agree more!


I often do comment on blog or magazine articles. Very often, one voice of reason in the midst of a bunch of crazy people spouting anti-fur rhetoric can have a great effect. There is one blog I have frequented where I put forth the argument, "If you don't like fur you don't have to buy it." That one comment started a wave of people who, pretty much, shouted down the nay-sayers. There were even a few people who admitted that they didn't like fur and that they wouldn't buy it but they were also against the anti-furs who did nothing but spout empty rhetoric.


And, secondarily...

We do have a locked forum where only willing members of the Fur Den who are in good standing can read messages. Y'Know, if people wanted to use that as a place to coordinate with each other about which blogs they visit, the status of their arguments and to get together and to put forth a coherent message it would be a place where interlopers are not likely to read what people say. (It's not foolproof but it's probably good enough.)


That could be a good way for all of us to keep tabs on how things are going in the "outside world."

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I have recently started a blog devoted to my love of fur and fur fashion. And so far, the response has been great!


Err ... I did not see a link to da blog. Was that intentional or oversight? (Or is it there and I simply really, really need a nap?)

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Err ... I did not see a link to da blog. Was that intentional or oversight? (Or is it there and I simply really, really need a nap?)


Sorry JG, maybe I should have explained that in my original post. Yes, that was intentional. The main reason is that my blog is not in English, so it would be of interest to only a few people here. Secondly, I am posting under a different name in my blog, which is strictly on fur fashion and fur love, no fetish aspects or direct anti PETA activism whatsoever. I don't want visitors of my blog to google samurman and discover all sorts of anti PETA rants I have made over the years.

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Gotcha. Just so it wasn't there and I was not smart enough to figure it out ...


I don't want visitors of my blog to google samurman and discover all sorts of anti PETA rants I have made over the years.


Hmmm ... Maybe I'll have to do that some lazy winter afternoon.

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Here, two blogs frequently featuring fur:


Couture Allure: http://coutureallure.blogspot.com

The author of this blog also sells high quality vintage clothes online. Some relevant posts:

Chinchilla lined robe: http://coutureallure.blogspot.com/2009/03/vintage-fur-lined-robe.html

Recylcing a vintage fur coat: http://coutureallure.blogspot.com/2009/01/recycling-vintage-coat.html

How do you feel about wearing fur: http://coutureallure.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-do-you-feel-about.html


Couture Carrie: http://couturecarrie.blogspot.com

Fur-sure: http://couturecarrie.blogspot.com/2008/11/fur-sure.html

Fur in technicolor: http://couturecarrie.blogspot.com/2009/10/fur-in-technicolor.html

Fur vests: http://couturecarrie.blogspot.com/2008/12/gilet-best-woman-can-get.html

Shearling: http://couturecarrie.blogspot.com/2009/01/shearling-shout-out.html

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Very well put and, of course, a very good approach to expanding the reach of the fur community. It is good that you put an emphasis on evolving/adapting, for that is something every endeavor must do if it is going to be successful. We certainly know that for a fact.

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