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Hello form the furry north!


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Hi All,

Linda exhorted me to drop in and type a quick note of 'hello' to you all. We've just been SO busy settling in to our new home in lovely Anchorage, AK. We've beem here for 18 months now and we love it. This place is gorgeous every direction you look. There's fur everywhere! I counted 5 fur shops on 4th ave alone! My favorites are The Fur Gallery and David Green's. Yummy stuff!

Anyway, We're still alive and doing well. The Foxes are out and in use and even my girls are in fur. Good Times!




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Hey, it is SO great to hear from you again! Such a surprise to hear from where too. Glad you love it up there.


And so great to hear that it is indeed a fur area!


Hey, now you've got another excuse to have a new full length coat now!


With a hood of course!



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Welcome home, Janey! Always great to hear from you! Wish you nothing but luck with the new house - sounds like you've found a very fur friendly part of the country!



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We've just been SO busy settling in to our new home in lovely Anchorage, AK. We've beem here for 18 months now and we love it. .... Good Times!




Hi Janey,


If it's taken you 18 months to give us this situation report, it must REALLY be Good Times over there!


Maybe we should all move to Alaska:)


Cheers, Samurman

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Welcome back, Janey!!


Glad you're doing ok, and hopefully now you're settled in your new home you'll be able to swing by a bit more often!! Also hope we can start chatting again soon too



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