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Grand Junction CO


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Not me - I visit Denver every year and spend my time either downtown (LoDo is soooooooooooo much fun - lots of bars, music, sports, nightlife) or in Boulder. I think anywhere you go in CO. is prime 'fur-wearing' territory!



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Except for transfers at the Denver Airport I have not managed to see any of Colorado. Want to very much. Maybe my next cross country drive Love driving cross country.



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I know folks who took 4 months to drive from Florida to Alaska. I wish I had the time to do that... my furs would have a wonderful summer vacation!



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Sorry, Linda: I just posted about this on another thread. I have been through there a couple of times -- go see the thread called "it snowed here!" or whatever...where you also asked about this. It isn't more than a couple of hours (or three?) to Denver, as far as I remember...


Edit by AKcoyote:

Here is the link to the post referenced above


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Anyone spent much time here?


Thinking of moving to the mountains where I could wear my furs!


Drove by there about 10 years ago on my way across Colorado on 70. I thought the area was kind of isolated ... But methinks I would have thought the same thing about the area you lived in Michigan ... So could be right up your alley!

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It's probably the same as Orlando... except without the theme parks... without all the chain hotels and food... without the heat and humidity... without the palm trees... without the occasional hurricane... without the tourists... without Shamu!


Come to think of it, I guess Grand Junction is nothing like Orlando!



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I checked it out. Not where I want to be.


Still would rather be in Orlando.


(Was cold enough tonight to wear my furs tonight.) Am in St Petersburg. The Florida Symphony was performing outdoors at the Vinoy Park on Tampa Bay. Big cold front went through this morning. Dropped from upper 80's with high humidity to 60's low humidity within 12 hours. Felt more like a 50 degree drop!


Have been looking at furs on ebay all day!

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Have been looking at furs on ebay all day!


Hey, great to hear! Hard to lose that drive isn't it. You know Linda, there is a fantastic area across the Lake from me North of Detroit. You can go skiing there. You can go sailing there. You can go mountain climbing there. (Damned mountain almost killed me!)



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Yep... You gotta know the area but it is there. Not quite the rockies. But I am not as young or in as good shape as I used to be either!



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I have driven through Grand Junction several times along I-70. The last time was in 2004. I know that it's fairly close close to one of the entry points for Aspen, Glenwood Springs, and farther away from Vail. It probably gets very cold in that area but the area didn't particularly strike me as a place where there's a lot of fur being worn. I could be wrong, though, because I've only been through in summer. One thing that will probably work in your favor is that it also didn't seem like a hospitable place for the "anti's". It struck me as more of a conservative, "traditional values" sort of place. I recall that there always seemed to be highway repair going on with lots of orange cones, and that the general region has some paleontological interest with dinosaur digs in Fruita.

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Have been looking at furs on ebay all day!


Hey, great to hear! Hard to lose that drive isn't it. You know Linda, there is a fantastic area across the Lake from me North of Detroit. You can go skiing there. You can go sailing there. You can go mountain climbing there. (Damned mountain almost killed me!)




White Fox that was such a wonderful time. For those of you who don't know our history, WF came to visit us several times in Michigan. Took him up a "lookout" point with a thousand steps. Thought poor WF was going to have a heart attack!


Still hope you can make it down here and we can kayak.


On Grand Junction, I did some research and it seems the most wonderful thing about it is, if you drive for two hours you can be in some really great places. The quality of life there is really not what I want. Especially when I like living in Baldwin Park in Orlando so much. I even can wear my furs here for a few weeks in the Winter. It got down to 47 degrees last night!



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