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Here's a question for you all?


Do you prefur a fur coat of a light colour or dark colour? Do you prefur a coat that is white, off-white, beige? Or do you prefur a coat brown, dark brown or black?


But then these are normal colour, but what about tinted blue or green or even pink?

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I specifically love furs of ALL colors


I own many colors. Just don't like black as a basic philosophy. I have no black clothes nor any decor unless like a TV it comes in only black.



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Ah yes. I always wonder why everyone wears dark clothing in winter. It is indeed a dark time of year so why do they not wear light coloured clothing to dress it up a bit.


Love the lighter colours of furs. Just find them so uplifting at that dark time of year!



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I love natural looking furs.. althought I have a nice collection of dyed furs too..


but the way that the natural colours blend..like with silver fox..make the furs so special to me..


so it is less about the colour and the rich mixture of natural shades that appeals to me..






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I pretty much agree with Brandy. I definitely prefur my furs natural. Dyed is okay as long as it has something of a natural appearence. I just don't care for furs that are 'hot pink', 'neon green', etc. etc.



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I prefer natural furs but I like the occasional colored fur if it looks good.

Pink, blue and neon colored furs don't cut it with me unless they are really something special...


Like this fur worn by Anna Netrebko:




This I like. Most other colored furs don't turn me on.

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Is there more of this photo...


you can barely see the fur..


it is a bold colour though.... " title="Applause" />

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I generally prefur darker colored furs. Ranch, mahogany, and blue iris mink. Silver, crystal, and red fox. Fisher, sable, and tanuki. Exceptions to the "rule" would be lynx and coyote .

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I'm with Brandy and the others that prefer the natural brownish tones. The subtle combination of varied tones over the fur is so primal and sexy.. But I'd never turn away from a white or black coat.. Actually I have several black dyed furs.. but on a woman? Definitely the natural mixed tones..

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I love the natural tones of furs .This may sound a bit cruel but when I see a woman wearing fur, I find it very sexy recognizing the type of animals she chooses to wear. My Lady wears Tanuki the colors are breathtaking next to her lovely hair and skin. With that said I also have a passion for red and pink dyed fur. There is pure sexual power when a lady swathes herself in a fluffy red fur, hot yet soft, Pink fur is cute and sexy to me. I once seen a picture of a lady on a pink polar bear rug. The poor guy! The once mighty beast with his giant teeth and claws reduced to a pink fur rug! Though tacky I must confess I would give anything for my lady and I to make love on him! For me, the coyotes need to worry, I desire them in full-length coat, love the colors!

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