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White Fox

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Has everyone gone to sleep? I know it is summer, but if the fur sites are not supported, they will not exist any longer. And the biggest way to support them is for new members to post and take part.



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I can admit that I've been swamped with homework.. but I am still around. I'm looking forward to finals being done and having something that resembles a life again.. A part of that is being around the furom.. more often.

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At least in the US, I think the long holiday weekend is probably affecting many people's online habits and keeping them out of these forums.

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Feeling better so I'll be around more often now.


This winter was pretty miserable for me and fur was the last thing on my mind.


May go down and see Horst this coming week. Need to get my Red Fox spread repaired and cleaned.


Take out a few demonstrators while I'm at it. I'm still in a bad eough mood



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it is a long holiday weekend here in the uk...


and the start of this month (may) has a holiday weekend too.. so in theory the whole of may becomes a hoiliday to most folks in the uk..


often leading to many people being away from may into june...and out weather has just broken into gloroious sunshine too..


i have noticed a remarked difference in people even reading my furry playroom...I guess the summer has hit hard this year..

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YES WF, am asleep under my Silver Fox bedspread....its getting cold in Auz at last and I see no reason to pop out from under it!!!



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Actually there is quite a bit of activity in The Gallery for those interested.


Thanks to members new and old.



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I've dropped by every so often, but free time is more and more precious these days. In 2008 I took on a large project at work that still demands my attention. Recently, I've also been taking care of my dearest Aunt who has thyroid cancer. Everyone, please send out positive vibes for her. The cancer was active from 2004-2007, and in remission from early '08 until five weeks ago; the reocurrance coincided with her extreme grief after her one-year-old dog died suddenly in March. Now, my Aunt is slated to receive another round of chemo and medication - if her health insurance does not collapse first. I stepped in to help deal with her bureaucratic situation, and let me tell ya, navigating the cluster£*#k of retirement red-tape and pensions isn't for the faint-hearted. I'm glad to stop in to the Den for a little vacation from reality now and then.


OFF, give 'em hell. Know anyone who makes time-release stink bombs? Just drop 'em and walk away j/k. I really feel bad for Horst (and similarly targeted businesses...), but at the same time I have to cite freedom of speech and peaceable assembly as reasons to actually suggest that the furriers go 'stealth' for a while. Then again, the kind of free assembly I've seen depicted on the internet hardly qualifies as 'peaceable'. Again I say: give 'em hell 'cuz it's your right too.





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  • 2 weeks later...

'Tis winter down here and nothing is as nice as wraping up snuggly and warm with furs in bed for sleep, except wraping up snuggly and warm with furs in bed for not sleep!


Ahhh the joys of winter.


I made love with my wife on the weekend while wearing fur and it was such a magical experiance, she totally loved it! As did I


I know I don't post as often as I should, however I find once I've looked around and caught up on some news I don't have time to post. I guess it's a catch 22 situation for a site to find the right balance between people writing and reading. Without one the other becomes redundant.

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Winter down there now... Yah, rub it in!


Re looking a round instead of posting. I do agree on that. This site is indeed huge. Our Gallery is not the biggest, but it is indeed huge and of extremely good quality. I've no idea if our links area is biggest now, but there are something like 1200 links there, and all working at least reasonably recently. You can get lost here totally for days on end!


It sure is nice to see losts of posts now and then though like we have been seeing lately. Makes us feel like we are actually doing something folks want here. " title="Applause" /> Always nice to see we are heading in the right direction at least.

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I am now booking a plane to Oz.... so I can wear furs again..


who wants to share a furry blanket with me..?


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And I will pick you up at the airport!

A trip to the mountains anyone? Snow, log fires, lodges and cabins, hot chocolate, snowboarding, schnapps, and FURS!


woop woop


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You all tease...


ha ha ha...


the closest I will ever get to oz..is watching " .. the wizard of..."



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the closest I will ever get to oz..is watching " .. the wizard of..."


Yes well it's probably best a nice girl like you stay away from Oz, far too many convicts and sons of convicts there. You'd be much better off comming to a nice place like N.Z. where the people are more civilised and it's o.k to harvest possums for their lovely soft fur.

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Not asleep; but perhaps a bit lost without one's furs -- all in storage now!


Thanks for the enquiry, friend!

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