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New furs

White Fox

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We have heard many times about JGalanos's experiences wearing furs. It got me to wondering how many people here purchased new furs this year, either for themselves or a mate, etc. Would be interesting to hear those experiences that you had over the winter with shopping for those new furs, wearing them, comments others made, etc. There must be others here with similar experiences.


Many have been the times that people commented on my furs. I remember one time in particular when I was walking down the street on a cold day and I heard a woman say "It is so nice to see people wearing furs again!" And, the time when I was in a tourist area, and the employee there talked to me for at least two or three minutes about my coat and wearing furs, etc.



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White Fox,


No doubt you and others have read some of my fur buying and spotting exploits from this winter in other posts here. In my experience fur has been much more commmon this winter in the southern UK and I've had the pleasure of seeing women of all ages out in their various furs for the two months or so and of complimenting and talking with a few of them too. I've also made several new purchases, some of which Ms Mockle might get the chance to wear next week if it's cold enough when she's back in town.



Mr Mockle

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Not here - have to cut back on 'big ticket' purchases such as furs. It's a pity too - my old coyote coat has reached the point of no return. It's all dried out and it has rips that my furrier won't even try to repair - and I'm at the point where to even try would be throwing good money down the drain.


Oh well, once the economy comes back, then I'll think about replacing it.



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That is indeed a huge problem right now. Hopefully there will be some folks ready to make some "great buys", and wear them often!



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I toned it down this winter. My only purchases were two faux fur jackets (both on sale!). (What's that I hear? A chorus sighing "Oh, no! Tell me he didn't just type "faux"!)


Both jackets are high end and terrific. The "fur" is soft and thick and incredibly fine -- When you blow on it, it "moves" like real fur. I've been asked several times if they are real and more than one person expressed surprise when I replied "no".


I wore one of them to dinner tonight. It has warmed up (low 40's F) and it was perfect for the damp, chilly weather.


I tend to be hot natured, so my general rule is:


*Under 30 F: Full length fur

*30 to 40 F: Fur jacket or full length faux fur

*40 to 50 F: Faux fur jacket


I've heard the argument that faux fur is just as warm as real fur ... But I beg to differ. When it's cold out, nothing beats the warmth of real fur. But when it's chilly out, faux fur is a great warm up.

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I've heard the argument that faux fur is just as warm as real fur ... But I beg to differ. When it's cold out, nothing beats the warmth of real fur. But when it's chilly out, faux fur is a great warm up.


Yes Indeed! How true!

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Regardless of the economy people should always spend a little bit on themselves every once in a while.


That doesn't mean you should be a spendthrift but you certainly shouldn't deprive yourself. You just have to be more judicious about your purchases. Maybe you could set aside a piggy bank to save your pennies. Put $10 or $20 away per week. You could easily save up $100 in a month. Over the course of a year, that's $1,200! That would certainly be enough to buy yourself a nice fur by the time next winter rolls around.


You have to remember the "Paradox of Thrift" theory. When the economy is down, people spend less money, even if they have money to spend. They are saving it up in case they need it. Yes, this is a good thing but, taken too far, it will make the economy worse. If nobody is spending any money, businesses aren't making any money. If businesses aren't making money, they can't pay their employees. If employees don't get paid, they can't buy ANYTHING, including necessities. That just makes the economy spiral downward even faster. Judicious spending on the part of the consumer can help break the thrift paradox and give the economy a little bump. That may be just what is needed to stop things from getting worse and even turning things around.


Go ahead. Save up your pennies. Use that special savings to buy yourself a nice fur!

Not only will it make you feel better when times are tough it will be good for the economy!


Buying fur is good economics!

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Now that JG has come out of the 'faux fur closet', I think I can do that myself. I too purchased 2 faux furs this year - found them on ebay - where one of the better manufacturers of faux fur coats significantly discounts their overstocks and discontinued coats. I picked up 2 for somewhere around $100 (including shipping) - they would have cost me over $500 had I purchased them on the website. http://www.silkandsable.com/Faux-Fur-Coats_c_29.html. I bought the sable mink (one who knows furs can tell it's a fake, but once I got it home I realized there is very little difference to the eye between it and my real mink) and the red fox stroller (soft and cuddley enough but an obvious fake).



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We went to London last weekend, and foolishly left my MINK scarf in the hotel when we went to Harrods. I found the perfect replacement. It was/is light grey MINK, made up of 2" squares, in a diamond pattern. Had to get it, which I did. It is pretty wide and long, so I fold in half (widthwise) and wear it with my MINK coat.

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I picked up 2 for somewhere around $100 (including shipping) - they would have cost me over $500 had I purchased them on the website.


You did better than me. Even at 40% off the bill for my jackets was over $200.


The beauty of faux fur (for me anyway) is that it extends the season. I usually wear real fur late October to early April ... I've begun wearing faux fur mid September through mid May so it adds a few extra months of furriness to the season. I figure if it's cool enough for a jacket ... Why not a faux fur one?

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Here in Florida, extending the season is a huge plus in favor of faux. My good coats will be heading to the furrier around April 6, and I won't see them for the next 6 months. The faux do not need any 'special treatment', they'll be fine regardless of the whether!



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I have a beautiful full length Canadian sable in layaway with a furrier in L.A. I hope to get it out in November.


I'm envious. I love Canadian sable!


Perhaps one of these days ...

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Now that JG has come out of the 'faux fur closet', I think I can do that myself.


I haven't got a problem with faux fur so long as people don't try to pass it off as a substitute for the real thing.

I've got a whole HOUSE FULL of faux fur! 1,000 Teddy Bears! A few of whom are made from real fur but the majority are faux.

(We prefer to call it "plush.")


When it comes to plush, I prefer natural fibers. Mohair plush can be very nice. Alpaca plush can be even nicer.


We also have a faux fur throw we keep on the sofa when it gets cold. Sometimes it's better to use faux fur where it will be subject to wear and tear that real fur couldn't handle. It's also a whole lot easier and cheaper to clean faux fur.


Still, nothing beats fur. Nothing man made ever beats God's creations.

I think real fur is better by a mile.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought I was pretty frugal for me this year, but it seems not.


I brought a large natural rabbit throw (not quite blanket size), a pure white large (almost double sized) rex rabbit fur blanket, one of those grey Juicy rabbit fur lined hoodies, a second hand (but in perfect condition) men's natural fox 3/4 coat, and two almost new leather coats with removable hamster fur linings (one is brown, tad baggy on me, the other is black).


The rex rabbit blanket is heavenly, but I daren't use it. The natural rabbit blanket is not like normal rabbit, the fur doesn't shed at all, and is amazing quality with very thick/plush fur (almost like fox thickness). I've slept under this a lot as it seem quite durable and was quite good value given it cost about 150 EUR.


The fox coat is pretty similar to an existing fox I have, except that was a men's bomber coat (see avatar). The hamster coats are full length and not sure why I brought them, as I have two already. One was pretty cheap (about 115 EUR) and hamster seems to not be as delicate as rabbit or squirrel and I have to say the pattern it makes looks pretty cool.


I guess being in mid 20's has it's advantage in the fact I don't have a mortgage or kids to see to. If it wasn't for the pathetic market crash & rate cuts, I would have put some money into saving ISA/shares ISA (as I have none) but quite frankly until this changes I have no incentive to invest or save, and hence all my excess cash got turned into fur :P Next year I'll try and save given that I should aim to get a house while the market is low, and don't really need any more furs for now (doesn't change the fact I want more!).

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Also, in order to fund the above, I did sell on a men's mink bomber I had. I'll probably buy another one again, however they are so plentiful on eBay, I'm in no hurry.

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