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Fur Valentines..


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Hi all...


I just wanted to let everyone know that I held my head up high as my husband took me out for a Valentines meal.. and I did it in Red Fox....


We went to a nice little restuarant...I wore my red fox full length coat in....and turned many heads....


I smiled and took my seat, the waiter took my coat and the evening was perfect..!




later that night My husband took me to see the Chinese State Circus with the Shaolin Monks and I wore my white and grey rabbit jacket with some sexy tight leather pants and a very revealing top....


Now I turned 100's of heads as my husband had baought a box in the theatre....(box's were used by the upper classes in Britain to show off, as Noal Coward once said.."you go to the theatre to be seen by society..not to watch a show..!")


As I sat there.. I wondered to my self...as everyone loked at me in my furs in the Royal box...I wonder if anyone knows about my website..!






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What a site and experience that must have been! We don't have any box seats in North America that I know of that are still in use. However, know the tradition behind them. Did see one used in Europe once. As you mention, they really were the worst seats in the house to see the performance really.


Lincoln was in one when he was assassinated I believe.


Chinese Circus. You might be interested to know that I was lucky enough to view one for about 25 minutes once right from a seat on the stage sitting beside one acrobat. I was for instance about 2 meters away as I recall when they did the chair trick sitting right under them. An experience that I will NEVER forgot!


Of course would never forget seeing you enter the restaurant in red fox either!



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Brandy, Ever considered a little blog on-line here about your on-going experiences wearing fur regularly in the UK?


Clearly a mid-Summer day is not good, but you have plenty of cool evenings to 'stimulate' an audience reaction.....and Winter / Spring brings plenty of cool days....


Even a little snap by your Partner of the coats in places visited and posted would be good !


Just a thought - it might encourage more wearing of furs in mainstream UK.



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And did you enjoy the circus? Wish i was there. It does take a lotta bottle to wear fur out and about in the UK - if you believe everything you see in the media.

I'd be interested to hear more of your outing and the public reaction. " title="Applause" />

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