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Some furs you never notice.. then you see one and love it!


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Do you have any furs you are particualry fond of... for me I love Coyote,Silver Fox, Lynx..

Anyways today while driving I looked to my right and saw a huge beaver collar on a blonde haird lady, probably my age.. I wasn't sure if it was a coat or not until she brought her hand up to adjust her hair then I saw the massive beaver fur sleeve of the coat... The fur looked very shiney and inviting I've never really noticed beaver until today.. now Im thinking about how I may like a beaver coat in the closet...

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Certainly, beaver is one of the warmest furs you will ever wear, and sheared beaver is one of the softest. Natural beaver is not nearly as soft, mainly because of the rather stiff guard hairs. Sheared beaver or natural beaver are equally handsome furs, IMHO, to wear, but sheared beaver is virtually unbeatable in the "snuggle" category . . .

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I thought that about unsheared Beaver myself until I saw a NE Canadian Beaver coat that Horst (Ungar Furs) made. As I said before, I first thought it was Fisher! It is sooooo soft and silky!


It's always the individual fur.


I would really like to get the coat but it's the style and all that I'd never wear so I'm going to have a spread made from more of the same pelts. Surprisingly inexpensive.



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for me the big find was and is sheared nutria. I am wondering, how it is compared to beaver - after all both are in the same species

I like especially the plucked version, where the whole guard hair is detached; the result is extremely soft and still very dense.


And just to repeat myself from other posts: rex rabbit is totally underrated as well - it even beats the nutria in softness and since its cheaper then most furs it lets us "normal" fur lovers realize things never possible when paying the high price of all the furs we love. It must not be processed at all (apart from tanning of course), it can be dyed to any colour you like (there is a white version of the rabbit to be dyed) - and it is even quite ecological ! I only have rabbit breeded in germany from hobby breeders to be on exhibitions, beeing eater after there life - and I am happy with the "waste"



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I have had ample opportunity to examine the finest of Sheared Beaver, Nutria, River Otter and Arctic Fur Seal at Ungar Furs in Portland. some of those are mine.


The rank order in my exposure is Arctic Fur Seal, River Otter, Beaver then Nutria.


I have to say though that the differences between the best Beaver and the best Nutria was very close and not close behind the River Otter.


Arctic Fur Seal is in a class of its own " title="Applause" />


Sheared Muskrat and Mink are way behind any of the above mentioned in softness and durability.



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Thank you off for your ranking on sheared fur types.


Maybe you can provide with some hints on those furs to look at in our gallery ?? A simple search did not do the job ...


I am especially interested in detailed views to compare it with my present sheared nutria (I know, I have to feel it, but a close-up picture is better than nothing ...)


Hope this is easy for you



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