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Fur adventure today


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Hi everyone,


I had a great time today. I've tried on 8 longhaired furcoats this morning. Was visiting a belgian guy who was selling a red fox fur coat on ebay.be last week. Asked him if I could drop by to see the coat in real life. I could read in his feedback that he had bought some other coats in the past so asked him if he had any other for me to see.

I spend 20 minutes alone with 8 of his coats. Unfortunately, the only full lenght coat (blue fox) was too small for me (as was another blue fox). But all the others went pretty well (sometimes the sleeves were too short but the coat was roomy enough to be closed). Four of them were just perfect except for the closures (gone or not complete): silver fox, tanuki, coyote and another blue fox. I'm 1m76cm and 90kg to give you an idea to who it might fit. He will be putting them all on ebay.be sometime next weekend. I'll keep you informed.



Bknuffel aka ddtokcars

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I had a fur "adventure" this past weekend I would have prefurred to avoid. Guys n gals from 7 to 70 pawed (or attempted to paw) my coats Saturday and Sunday as I Christmas shopped, dined, and attended the symphony. I've never had so many people touching my furs without asking permission. Saturday afternoon I put my fisher coat in a chair in a gallery to peruse some prints. A few minutes later I looked up and a young girl (7-ish) was making funny noises and rushing toward my coat making diving motions with her mittened hands (which I was certain were covered with melted ice cream or sticky taffy). Thank goodness her father stopped her just in the nick of time, as my first inclination was to toss an objet d'art in her path. Saturday night in a hotel elevator an inebriated woman (30's) asked me if my fisher coat was real. After I replied "yes" she proceeded to rub her hands all over the lapels for 30 seconds. Fortunately the elevator door opened and I was able to escape without being rude. Sunday afternoon at lunch the waiter stroked my fur more than once while at the table. A short time later a sales clerk in a store stroked the sleeve of my coat as I was checking out. Later at the symphony not one but two older ladies (70-ish) boldly reached out and stroked my coyote coat while I headed to my seat.




The attention wasn't all bad. As the owner of several spectacular furs, I'm used to receiving respectful attention when wearing them. Several people complimented my furs (I heard "That's a great coat!" "That must be warm." and "What a beautiful coat" more than once). But this weekend's "pawing" was most annoying. The winter is young. Hopefully this weekend will prove to be an anomaly.


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