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Hi, firstly,so good to have found the site I havent been able to find the help i need here in England.


I am really hoping that someone can help me to establish exactly what fur the beautiful coat that i have is made of. Ive been told it could be mink or musquash, but im really not sure how to tell the difference. I am trying to also find out the value of it, so any information would be most appreciated!


Many thanks



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Welcome, peony! It might be helpful for you to post a photo (preferably, several) of your coat so that our members can take a look and give you an opinion. Be sure to read our FAQs to learn how to do that. Thanks and enjoy your time here!



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Hi, thanks so much for getting the pics up for me.


If anyone can give me any help or idea as to what fur the coat is made of, and put as near as poss a value and age to it, i would be most grateful,



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i would say marmot and i would also say it is at least 40 years old. as for value, it is impossible to come up with a definite value, but it is worth what someone would pay for it. that seems kinda obvious, but it is worth more to a person it fits. again kinda obvious, but maybe worth between $100-300 realistically. as with anything, the value is different to different people.


an example, i had a customer who bought a leather jacket with detachable fox collar. she got a great deal on it, but decided she did not want it because the collar had some issues with the buttons/buttonholes that attach the collar to the jacket. she wanted to return it, so we did. the very next day a different customer came in loved the jacket and paid more for it (since it was not on sale at this time) and was okay with the fact we had to repair the buttonholes.


that is what is known in retail as a victory. one step backward and 1.5 steps forward. still a sale, to someone who loves it and will keep it, AND i made more profit on the second sale. if i could just do that with all of my returns.


btw the economy sucks but people are still buying fur, just not as much as in other years. keep the fingers crossed for the holidays and for the love of your furriers, go buy a fur (JK, LOL, but seriously BUY MORE FUR!!). we can restart the economy ourselves, even though most of the money is still going to china.

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Furcoatman is one of our Experts here. Yes, anyone can make mistakes, but unlike many of us here who just really know furs, HE IS an EXPERT! You can consider his advice to be very well thought out, and very valuable.


White Fox

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Thanks so much for your advice and info, most appreciated. Its been really helpful.


I had an idea it might be around 50s style, but no idea as to the value, and like you say, that really comes down to what it means to someone. As for the fur, ive been told so many different things by different people, who i might add, arent fur experts, more taking a guess at its look and style. So its been quite baffling!


Its interesting to hear that it is Marmot, thats the first time ive been told that. Most people seemed to think it was Musquash, due to, so ive been told the fact that it has quite a high sheen, with quite long hairs in the fur, and a beautiful rich auburn/chestnut, which all of these i think doesent show up too much in my pics, as they arent too clear, and doesent really do it justice. Although, the different opinions ive had have never been from fur experts, just peoples opinion who have seen it on its look and style.


But either way, its a lovely thing, and its great to have a little more knowledge of it, so thanks again, the sites been a great find, and some amazingly beautiful furs to be seen! Id love to have them all!



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It is definitely not muskrat (musquash). It doesn't look anything like that fur. I didn't know for sure it was marmot, but if Furcoatman says it's marmot, then that's what it is. That opinion is coming from a professional furrier.

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to be honest, it is damn tough to id furs from that era. they look so much different than what they do today. some are not even seen at all anymore.


muskrat has very fine and soft guard hairs. this looks like the guard hair is rather coarse, stiff and long. hope that helps

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Thanks again, and i can only agree with you both. It must be extremely hard in certain cases establishing an exact fur, especially from way back when they looked ever so different from the way they do now. And as i said before, ive heard so many people all wanting to give me their opinion over the years of what fur they think it is, i gave up wondering!


But they most definately werent experts in furs at all, so i thought id wait until i actually GOT an expert opinion. Of which i am very glad to say that i have now, thanks to finding your site, and extremely helpful expertise! I was so very pleased to show off the coat today, and actually be able to say exactly WHAT it is! And to say that i had been told, by an expert at last! Even had a request to sell it!


So, cheers for that, made my day!


All the best,



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Thank you And i most certainly will, and look in regularly. Im so jealous of all the beautiful coats on show here!


One can dream! lol


Thanks again



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Amazing. Looking at the link of the photos of the old muskrat coat, i can now see how people have been telling me thats what they thought my coat is. It looks so similar. That is really interesting how different the fur looks back then compared to now.

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