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USA voter registration deadlines!


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My fellow Americans,


Are you registered to vote?


Acknowledging that political and religious discussions are not allowed, the moderators have cleared this information posting. Regardless of political affiliation, I believe it's every eligible citizen's responsibility to vote. The general election in the United States will be held on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008.


It's every voter's right to have their vote count. All voters in the USA must be 18 years of age or turn 18 before an election in which they vote. The first step, once you are certain of your eligibility, is to register. Registration deadlines will be as early as the month of September for some states; here's a link to a great non-partisan information website (althought it's from the US government, it's still non-partisan):




I also give this non-partisan site to my students:




Thanks for your time, folks. Now get out there and VOTE, DAMMIT!




*f you have any questions concerning your current registration, contact your local Bureau of Elections.


And remember...


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Registered here and have been since I was 18. If you don't vote then you have no right to complain..................Too many people have given their lives over history to let their sacrifices be for nothing.................

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from a foreigners (and Europeans) angle of view,

Barack Obama seems much better to me... McKein seems like an old warlord to me...

sorry if I offended anyone

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Hey Mailon



No Bloody fair... That's my role to stir the pot............ Young whipper-snapper.... should take ya out the back of the skinner's room and tan your hide


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As for registering, I've been registered to vote since I enlisted 'back when'. Unfortunately, there hasn't been one candidate in 'years' that's been worth a spit in my opinion. The gf recently let me have it for not voting until recently. The only thing I could say is that I wasn't concerned with who 'the boss was'. I was doing my job so that others at home could enjoy the rights that most people seem to take for granted.

Reading up on the different candidates, who they really are always comes to light. Sadly, they have all had their own private agendas. You are correct, if you don't vote, you don't have the grounds to whine.. Why we only ever get the same 'flavor of candidate offered', I just don't understand that.

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I have some very definite opinions about politics and the upcoming election here in the US, but I know better than to "air" them here, even in the Pub. All I will say is that I agree with Kappa and Kevin that if those of you from the US who will continue to stick your heads in the sand (or up your . . . ) by not voting, then when push comes to shove and your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is compromised, then shut the f**k up! As Joey said, voting is one of our most basic rights in this country, rights that have been purchased by the blood of those who have paid the ultimate price to protect it. To abdicate that right is an insult to those people as well as to our heritage. If you don't believe you have as good a choice as you should have, then encourage as many people as you can to get involved by not only voting, but to become grassroots activists - and do the same thing yourself! I have! Four years ago, the Republicans paid a pretty hefty price by not doing their collective job, only to be replaced with clowns who are doing an equally disgusting job. IF we continue to vote these morons out of office when they're not representing the will of the People, will they begin to realize that we mean business, and only then will the job be done correctly. But that won't happen when people say things like, "What's the use?" or "Nah, I didn't make it to the polls today because it was raining!" or "I couldn't get away from work in time." or "I wasn't feeling very good, so I didn't make it to the polls." I'd rather hear something like, "I had chicken soup for dinner last night." One pathetic excuse is just about as good as another. So - I could give a rat's patootie whether you're Democrat or Republican or liberal or conservative or Libertarian or whatever label you think may be cool - Get a life and take an interest in the United States of America before it's too late. Please study everything in our history that has made us successful (and why), and everything that has eroded that success (and why). Then please go out and see if you can make a difference. With enough people doing that, it won't be that long before we will have great choices when election time rolls around!


God bless the USA!!!

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"The most effectual means of preventing [the perversion of power into tyranny are] to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge of those facts which history exhibits, that possessed thereby of the experience of other ages and countries, they may be enabled to know ambition under all its shapes, and prompt to exert their natural powers to defeat its purposes." --Thomas Jefferson: Diffusion of Knowledge Bill, 1779. FE 2:221, Papers 2:526


"The information of the people at large can alone make them the safe as they are the sole depositary of our political and religious freedom." --Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 1810. ME 12:417


"The diffusion of information and the arraignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason, I deem [one of] the essential principles of our government, and consequently [one of] those which ought to shape its administration." --Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural Address, 1801. ME 3:322



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this post during the home stretch here in PA. It's been quite a month. Last night I registered a black man who said he hadn't voted since John F. Kennedy. He was 79 and didn't look a day over 60. I've found out my new neighborhood has a lot of apathetic "former voters" who are convinced their vote doesn't count. I've had to take my own personal politics out of the equation to hear some pretty harsh words that would ordinarily make me pretty angry. Heck, I've even felt like my pavement-pounding (or lack thereof) won't make one speck of difference with all the e-voting fraud poised to take place in certain swing-states on November 4. I've become acquainted with the directors of our local Board of Elections - and their attitude toward the importance of paper ballots, especially in an era of hackable e-voting machines and fallible optical-scan machines, is appalling. They basically approach the issue as if it's a non-issue. I'm considering volunteering to be a poll worker just to get a first-hand view. And the lines at the polls before and after work hours and during lunch time are even more ridiculous. Some states have instituted early voting (34 of them, if I'm not mistaken) to ease the crowds on Nov. 4. If the candidates are smart, they should get a leg up on the early-voting swing states!


We should move Election Day to Saturday instead of Tuesday, or make it a national holiday.

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The Social Studies teacher at my high school was also the mayor of the township. It was a requirement for any eligible student to be registered to vote in order to pass his class. He even handed out the voter registration forms on the first day of class.


I vote almost every election. There have been a few times when I missed out. I didn't send in a few of my absentee ballots when I was away at college. Since then, I think I have missed the election maybe two times in nearly 20 years.

I know there was one time when I was working all day and couldn't get out. (Show business! Remember!) There was another time when I was too sick to go out. Those are the only times I can remember.


We always play a little game in my family. We always look to see what our voter number is and we compare them to see who has the lowest number.


So... Come election day, let's post our numbers!

Let's see who has the lowest!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I deleted this myself since I read a little later that politics are not allowed.....


Then why not delete this whole topic.


Is there a censorship here?????????


My God, Shelley and Kevin hold the weakest argument in History....... I hear this more and more often..... to justify future mistakes by mistakes that have been made in the past..... that people should not have died in vain..... when they should never have been sent to war in the first place... dumb and dumber...


In my opinion the only people who have the right to complain are the ones who do not vote.... yes you read it here first.... decide over your own body... not someone else's..... i am so sick and tired of people and governments who think that they know what is best for me.... first christianity has broken almost all our ties to nature and then it tries to poison us.... but there is still a small spirit in my body that knows what to do and not...... you have it too but can you still find it?..... we are too busy and take so much things into our bodies that is so bad for us..... our sense of self has been clouded.... take fluoride in the water... it is poison you drink... educate yourselves on what the government is trying to feed you.... lazy people!!



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Yes Angora, politics and religion are not allowed here as topics. This is pretty much exactly the same rule as is used in pretty much every Pub the world over as it is in ours. It is just that Pubs in all countries have found that discussions on those topics lead to levels or sentiments that can produce huge levels of emotions. (like fights.) Yes, it has in the past here too! You will see information on this here... http://thefurden.com/bbden/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8247


This topic is allowed as it is simply giving information on how to vote, rather than promoting one single party or the system of government itself.



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Is there a censorship here?????????


We must be careful when using that word.

I know what you mean when you say it, AA, but it is important for me to make it clear to everybody.


When somebody says "censorship" they often mean "UNFAIR censorship."


There is censorship in everyday life. We censor harmful words and ideas every day.

There is an old saying, "You can't yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater."

Maybe some would think it is their right to free speech to say whatever they want but I believe most people would say that this is harmful and should not be allowed. Thus, this type of censorship is generally allowed.


About the Fur Den:

I would be a liar if I did not admit that I censor things.

I censor spammers. I censor viruses. I censor people from organizations like PeTA who try to disturb our website.

I think everybody would agree that these things are not unfair censorship.


When it comes to censorship of things that members say on this website, I try to be very, very careful! I know that the other moderators and administrators are just as careful as I am.


We MUST censor things that will get us into trouble with our Internet Service Provider. If we do not to that, we will have our website shut down.


We have all agreed that SOME political and/or religious talk should be censored. If we do not, we risk causing arguments and disagreements that will disturb our website to the point where people will stop coming here.


At this time, we will not censor things written in this topic but reserve the right to do so if the line is crossed.


I am not yelling. I am only explaining things in the clearest manner I can.


In the future, if you or anybody else believe there is UNFAIR censorship at the Fur Den, please send a message to a moderator or administrator.


As an example:

If you believe it is me who censors unfairly, you may message me. If that makes you uncomfortable, you may message another administrator. That person will bring the issue to my attention on your behalf. We will discuss the issue and try to arrive at a fair solution.


I hope you will understand how I see things.

So, to answer the question, "Is there censorship?" In a word, "Yes."

Is there "UNFAIR censorship?" I do not think so.

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About the Fur Den:

I would be a liar if I did not admit that I censor things.

I censor spammers. I censor viruses. I censor people from organizations like PeTA who try to disturb our website.

I think everybody would agree that these things are not unfair censorship.


Further emphasizing that censorship is completely subjective. While everyone HERE would agree these things are not unfair censorship, there isn't one member of any of those groups listed that would agree.

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I think that all voter registrations deadlines here in the US have expired.


Hopefully, some of you that might have been sitting on the fance have been encouraged to register.


That said, come election day, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!!


...and may the will of the people win out.


This thread is now locked.



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