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fur break!


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G'morning all,


Sorry if this is a little off topic, just to cheerio for a week or so. Off to France for a week to help out a family member on his house, but no t'internet there = no Den for a week!


I sat up till 2 this morning typing out a 'Favourite fur moment' for the FFA section, was quite explicit and took nearly an hour (being a computer plonker), and I only went and lost it! Was just correcting spelling at the end, made a mistake and rather than click undo, clicked on refresh and lost the whole lot. Back to the empty page. Doh!


Will try again next week end when I get back.


I have spent a bit more time here recently, and will probably have withdrawel symptoms.

I'll get over it tho, just quietly!


Look forward to catching up with a weeks worth next weekend,

999 xxx

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Done that one myself


A suggestion.


When I know I'm going to be writing a long post that will need editing I'll do it in Open Office (Word).


Then copy and paste it. Makes life less stressful.



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have a nice break..




we will miss you but we will be waiting for you when you return...





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Was just correcting spelling at the end, made a mistake and rather than click undo, clicked on refresh and lost the whole lot. Back to the empty page. Doh!




I feel your pain. Been there, done that.


The enhancements are great ... but the new board does seem to be less forgiving than the old one.

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Yes, agreed with OFF, you need to copy the contents to the clipboard before posting. Word is good because it has auto save stuff in it. Likewise, if you use FireFox and your browser crashes, normally the restore session can remember any semi complete forms

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Thanks for the techno help guys, does it all work in the same format? some times I have copied and pasted stuff and it comes out as gobbledegook!


Will give it a try soon!


I'm back from holidays, tanned and full of wine and cheese. Got to love France!

Good to be back in the den tho, if not the UK!


999 xxx

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Folks, there is one other solution to this with the new board format that we have here. If you just press "Save" now and then, you save a draft of the message you are working on. Then, if you need to retrieve it, you just go to the "User Control Panel", and look for "Drafts" and find the one that you want. We would appreciate it though if you do not keep too many in there as it takes huge amounts of web site space for that if every member keeps 2 messages in there for instance.


"Saving" now and then like this, along with using Firefox should help you out a great deal. Both are very simple to do and can save a lot of frustration. But... we all know how often we do those backups that are supposed to be done weekly!


Good luck



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