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Got Snow Today.


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We got 17 inches of snow today at our ski resort in Snowbird.


Wore my furs out tonight.





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The ski slopes are still open here with a 50 foot base on a few.


It has been cold and damp enough at night to warrant wrapping up in my Red Fox spread at night.




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I am soooo jealous... .. I would love the chance to shoot some photos in snow....!


OK.. who wants a visit from me..!


ha ha ha ha




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Snow in NZ, thats good. I'm hoping to catch the Kiwi ski season on my way back to Auz later this year. Had the pleasure of Heli-skiing the Harris Mountains years ago and did used to work for Turoa. Can't say I saw many furs in NZ - but lots of Possum selling shops to tourists!


Maybe its changing



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Wow! That's right! We're going to have our first real days of spring this weekend in Pennsyltucky, and for you guys "down under" it's the beginning of winter!


Have fun! Be safe! Wear your furs!

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Yeah! It's been averaging 50º-60º F. in this neck of the woods.


Finally! It's going to be above 70º this weekend... or so they say!

Right now, it's BARELY ticking over 55º.


Y'Know... If was filthy freakin' rich I'd buy a house in the northern hemisphere and a house in the southern hemisphere. Then I'd buy a Learjet so I could fly between them. Then I wouldn't have to worry about what season it is.


If I wanted to go skiing, I'd jet up to the "winter house." If I wanted to have a weekend at the beach I could jet down to the "summer house" any time I wanted. But, if I ever needed a "fur fix" it would never be more than a 12 hour flight away!


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Amen, bro' - Kinda brings a smile to the old guy's face, though, just thinking about needing more furs. "The Duchess" and I will be installing a new fireplace in our family room that opens out on the patio and gazebo. Ya gotta picture it - Sitting in there on a cold night with the fire roaring, and us all snuggled up under our fur throws, listening to some smooth jazz, enjoying a chardonay or a merlot, watching the snow fall . . .


Oh, yeah!!!

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Let's face it, the scene that you've just painted doesn't get any better than that.


I have the privilege of standing on my front porch each morning and staring at a snow covered mountain until abt. late June.


Though I do miss the Adirondack Mtns. where I grew up.



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Let's face it, the scene that you've just painted doesn't get any better than that.


I have the privilege of standing on my front porch each morning and staring at a snow covered mountain until abt. late June.


Though I do miss the Adirondack Mtns. where I grew up.




In my youth, I lived near the foot of the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. I have visited the Rockies and the Sierra Nevadas. I love the mountains!! "The Duchess" and I will be staying here in Pennsyltucky probably until we're old(er) and grey(er) but what you have just painted really appeals to me! I've seen the pics of you in your furs taken in the mountains, and I don't mind telling you, I was more than just a little "green with envy!"


You saying that you can see snow-capped mountains until late June reminds me of an experience I had while in my college years. A friend of mine and I followed the wheat harvest during a couple of summers, and spent time driving combines in the wheat fields of Colorado. It would be 100 degrees (F) in the field, yet we could look at snow-covered Pike's Peak, about 70 or 80 miles away. I'll never forget the experience.

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That's why I live in the extreme upper left hand corner


Snow covered mountains by the sea and cool weather almost year round.




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C'mon down! Here in South FL it's 85+... humid... perfect beach weather!




...whose furs are tucked away in a nice cool vault in Tampa... or is it St. Pete... oh well, I'll find them in about 5 months

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